Arabian Nights

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Middle East » Kuwait
October 28th 2014
Published: November 5th 2014
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So for the final flight I was off to Kuwait. Not sure if this was on purpose - send the party animal Scottish girl to a dry country for her last trip! Mmmmmm, probably for the best! Was quite glad I got it actually as get free breakfast and good for some shopping, especially with Christmas coming up. Only a night stop, so we got there about 8am local; had free buffet breakfast then went to bed for few hours. Got up and sat by the pool for a couple of hours. Was really warm but unfortunately not that sunny for me to get my last tanning session. At 6.30pm, myself and three other people on my crew got a driver to take us to The Souk. This is the place to go for all your shopping needs - be that some designer (ahem fake) handbags, sunglasses, perfumes and lovely cashmere scarves. We all went a bit crazy with the shopping, myself the most managing to spend over £100!! They all found this absolutely hilarious. At least my Christmas shopping is sorted for everyone, and got myself few (too many) treats. After about an hour and a half of causing havoc with our attempts of bartering and browsing, it was kebab time. The chicken shish kebabs here are so yummy! They give you pitta as large as your head aswell with hummus. Delish. I also like to drink the lemon juice with mint as it tastes like a mojito, obviously minus the bevy. Then by the end of the shop here a gentleman came up to me pushing an empty trolley and I thought he was asking if I wanted to go in it. He of course was not, and was only offering to take the bags for me to wherever our car or taxi was. That shows how many bags we all had! Successful shopping trip. We just went back after this and got ourselves an early night as was a 6am (3am UK time) wake up call and I wanted time to make the most of free buffet breakfast again. Was strange on the flight home as I had to keep reminding myself that this was my last trip and time working on a plane. The crew all made a care with messages and things to remind me of the trip which was so lovely and thoughtful.

Really nice last trip to have. I have had an absolute ball the last three years working as cabin crew and will never forget it. Have met some amazing people though out my time there and many who I hope to keep as close friends. Although as much as I will miss it, I do feel ready to go now and start a new chapter in my life.

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