Flight: London to Delhi

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Middle East » Kuwait
February 8th 2011
Published: February 15th 2011
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Waiting in London Heathrow
Leg One- Flight was London to Kuwait which involved an 8 hour wait in Kuwait airport…only to be told that it would be delayed for over another hour. All this is an airport where there’s only Costa coffee. So we stayed awake and had 2 lots of paninis. The flight involved a woman coughing her guts up (who Laura kindly described as the ‘Exorcist Woman’) and 3 screaming babies- all in all we’ve had better flights.

Leg Two- Kuwait to Delhi- we were so knackered we slept throughout the whole 3 hours! All in all a really long journey and no in-flight entertainment; suppose that’s what you get for paying only 300 pounds!


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