Running all over the world III

November 12th 2023
Published: November 9th 2023
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Running pictures en masse

In 1985 Bruce Springsteen was working out a lot and was muscular and fit. When the song We are the World was recorded, according to legend Bette Midler then walked up to Bruce and said:

Wow, what a great body you have! You know, I also tried to workout once. But my body said "F**k You!"

We haven't been able to verify this story so it's likely not true. But it is fun so we leave in here anyway.

We enjoy running very much and we try to run regularly both when we are at home and when we are on vacation. We found that running is also a great way to do sightseeing. So we made it a routine to bring our cameras when we went for a run and for the fun of it we took photos of ourselves while running in random places.

In 2015 we decided to publish a blog entry with photos of us running in various places around the world. In the years following we kept on travelling and we also kept on running. Two years later we had enough pictures to publish a second running themed blog entry.

We still travel and we still run regularly. These days we run somewhat slower than we used to we have to admit. But we still run and we still like it. We have in the past six years taken enough new running photos that we are now able to make a third Running All Over The World-blog, and that is what you are reading right now.

All the photos in this blog entry are of us when we are running in different places in some of the countries we have visited. So if you are not interested in seeing two middle aged Swedes desperately trying to look good while running in various locations, some famous most not, there really is very little point in looking further into this blog entry than you already have. Feel free to skip it all if you like. We won't be offended, we promise. If someone posted a blog entry with pictures of themselves playing chess we doubt that we would bother reading it.

We would like to write down comments on a few of the photos. We don't quite have the balls call them "highlights", but they are somewhat interesting.

Nimis - an art installation on a remote section of the coast in southern Sweden.

Jufureh/Albreda - a small village in the Gambia that was made famous when Alex Haley published his novel Roots. In the novel he tells the story of how his ancestor was kidnapped in what today is the Gambia, brought on a ship to the US and made a slave.

Lac Rose or Lake Retba - that's a lake which is just near where we took the pictures. The lake, which can't be seen in the pictures, is best known for having the highest salinity of any lake in the world.

Kanchanaburi - The bridge you can see in the photo is the Bridge over River Kwai.

George Town - all over the historical city centre there is interesting street art displayed. We just had to include several photos of those since they are awesome to interact with.

Will there ever be a fourth Running all over the World-blog from us? At the moment we can't see why not. We plan to both keep running and keep travelling. But there will be a few years until we have taken enough photos to have something we feel we can publish.

Additional photos below
Photos: 42, Displayed: 24


Running in Hell's Gate NP, KenyaRunning in Hell's Gate NP, Kenya
Running in Hell's Gate NP, Kenya

In Hell's Gate NP in Kenya there are no animals dangerous to humans so you can take your morning run and go on a safari at the same time. Yup, there is a giraffe in the back there

19th November 2023

Keep on Running
Yay! Great blog too - it must be amazing for you to put together and see all the awesome places you've been to over the last few years. May you have many more years of running and travelling to go! 😊
19th November 2023

You checked out all three
I see that you checked out all three of the running blogs. They are quite fun to make actually. /Ake
14th January 2024

I remember your last blog on Running (didn't realise there were two others). I can totally see how it would be a great way to combine two loves and sight see while jogging through a place. Very impressive collection of photos Ake and Emma, I particularly like the one with the camel in Senegal :)
14th January 2024

We won't stop
We don't have any plans to neither stop travelling nor stop running so hopefully there will be a fourth running blog in the future. I think the best running photo we have taken is the first one in the first "Running all over the world"-blog. It came out very good. The first photo in the second "Running all over the world"-blog is also interesting. /Ake

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