Day 15 - Vatican

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Europe » Vatican City
September 12th 2015
Published: September 17th 2015
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Day 15 Vatican

Another early start today for the Vatican. Up at 6:00 to make sure we met the tour group at 7:55 for the skip the line tour.

A sound check with the “whisper” machines and in we go for the walk through the museum. All of the masters are here, Rafael, Michaelangelo, Caravaggio, Botticelli, Leonardo & Donatello.

We were just awestruck with looking at these great works of art and this is just a small part of the treasures that the Vatican has. Every room has a selection of paintings, statues, frescoes and tapestries and then we are told that some of these rooms were the living quarters of some of the popes. After a while it all turns into a blur and becomes overwhelming. We walked through the Sistine Chapel (no pictures???) which was just amazing. It is a maze and then we end up in the main part of the church.

It is huge. It is an unbelievable place to finally be standing in. The building is placed over the original tomb of St. Peter and this incarnation was built in the 1500's.

Back into the heat we walked over to the Spanish steps which was
Augustus of Prima PortaAugustus of Prima PortaAugustus of Prima Porta

a rare coloured marble statue
very over crowded with people having their lunch & annoying vendors. I am so fed up with people trying to sell selfie sticks, water, hats, umbrellas and old roses.

Wandering back to the hotel we are headed back to Tempio Di Mecenate for our last dinner in Italy.

Arrivederci Roma!!! Ciao!

I will do one more blog with my favourite pictures and some observations.

Additional photos below
Photos: 30, Displayed: 23


Modern art in courtyardModern art in courtyard
Modern art in courtyard

this globe spins and provides some interesting relections
Caesar AugustusCaesar Augustus
Caesar Augustus

This head was part of a huge statue. The head alone is over 20' tall
Medieval tapestryMedieval tapestry
Medieval tapestry

check out the size of the pig. perspective a little out of whack
The Pope's doorThe Pope's door
The Pope's door

entry into the Basilica can only be opened by the Pope
Entrance to St. PetersEntrance to St. Peters
Entrance to St. Peters

this shows the height of this building

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