First Stonehenge, next Sri Lanka!

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May 8th 2017
Published: May 8th 2017
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Hi everyone, this is my first of hopefully many blog posts!

I'm going on a trip to Sri Lanka in a few days and then on to see my grandparents in New Zealand a few months later, so I thought it would be good to have an online blog which I can add to 😊

I thought I'd add this blog post about my recent trip to Salisbury and Stonehenge to help me find my feet on using the site/blog.

I went to Salisbury last month (work related). I've been a few times but never took the time to see the sights and I was interested in seeing the iconic cathedral and of course Stonehenge.

There were a few tours available but decided to go with these which cost me £35.

I would have taken pics if I knew I was going to blog about it afterwards, but I promise to take snaps when I go to Sri Lanka.

I would recommend the tour and you learn a lot from the audio. I'm not sure it would be a great trip for children though as I can imagine they'd get fairly bored.

Stonehenge was great although smaller than I imagined! If you had a camera there was plenty of opportunities to get snaps.

I was disappointed that the tower tour wasn't included within the price so paid extra for that. The cathedral has amazing gothic architecture original Magna Carta, so well worth a visit!


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