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April 25th 2024
Published: April 25th 2024
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April 21

Last night I asked the desk for a Tapas Bar close by. Following his directions I came upon the source of last night’s activity. Not a protest, not a political demonstration but rather a religious parade of a sort with drums, Roman candles, little devils and a dragon. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the show so I did too. I never found the place recommended but did find a small restaurant where I settled in with a view of the street with a glass of wine and a bowl of mussels . Might go there again today.

One hour to Basilica. Wish it was warmer and the sun was shining but you can’t have is all, all the time. Entered on time and roamed around visiting all the remembered spots. Unfortunately it was overcast so the light from the stained glass windows was muted. I felt bad for the folks who had never experienced the brilliant light playing on the floor. It wan’t long before the crowds appeared. Now it was difficult to move around. There was a mass going on in the chapel below. I stopped in the main floor chapel to remember those who have gone before. It was too long a list, gets longer each time I visit. I found a gallery where items designed by Gaudi for use in the Basilica were displayed. There were pews, confessionals, candelabra and other items. I Never knew the gallery existed.

It was now beyond crowded so I left and headed to last night’s restaurant. Enjoyed a glass of wine and tapas while right outside the door another parade was moving down the street. This one was like Carnaval with enormous puppet figures. Male and female pigeons, a king and queen, perhaps Ferdinand and Isabella and some regular size puppets. These were accompanied by children who seemed to be exhausted by the whole thing. The drummers were there too. It made for another entertaining meal. Now it’s time for siesta.

April 22

Heading home and the weather is wet. Unable to print my boarding pass so I hope there won’t be a kerfuffel at the airport. Restless sleep last night. Reviewed my pictures and was disappointed that some of the shots of the parade seemed to be missing, more likely I didn’t press the button firmly enough. Dug my raincoat out and repacked. Now it’s just a question of waiting.


Arrived early. Hotel offered hotel shuttle but turned out to be a $45 taxi ride. I was sure the driver had misunderstood me as we were headed towards the port. And we were but it’s also the highway to the airport. So glad I didn’t back seat drive. The airport was another trip. I had to self porter to check in. I was directed to a lounge area where a chair took me through security and left me there. People came and went but eventually a woman with a filled chair collected me and indicated it was a little walk. Elevator and passport control plus walking brought me to an electric car. The lovely driver helped me on board and began belting out “New York”. I would never have made it to the gate. And here I wait. Another chair will take me to the plane. My head is splitting- must be from the lack of sleep. Well the chair was late and they expected me to walk. No way, Jose! The chair showed up and it took an elevator, a long ramp and the gangway (or whatever you call it on an airplane) to get to the door. I’m not sure I could have done it.

The meal was very good. Surprise and my seat is comfortable although my foot rest isn’t working. Neither is the WiFi so I can’t download the next pages in the book I’m reading. So I will continue to bore you with my minute to minute experience. It’s only another seven hours to JFK. Brace yourselves. No i wouldn’t subject you to endless aimless ramblings. So Bibi.


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