Almost the last of Ljubljana.

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Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana
August 26th 2023
Published: August 26th 2023
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Almost the last of Ljubljana. Very casual day as tomorrow we need to be up at silly o’clock in order to catch a flight to Belgrade. Not only is the flight at silly o’clock, we are taking the circuitous route! Apparently there are only 2 flights a week directly to Athens, so we fly significantly further but we fly on a date that suits us. Our hotel said the the airport here only has 10 or so flights per day so we are not expecting a JFK or Heathrow. But we will be on our way to Athens.

Had a little walk, hard to believe but true. Julie found this app that details all the drinking fountains in Ljubljana (Bluey was right when he said there’s an app for almost everything) and we tracked down one that is a kangaroo. The fountain squirts into her pouch then drains away. Why a kangaroo? Where’s a free walking tour guide when you really need one? So make up a story ‘cause anything could apply to this situation.

Then through the fruit and vegetables market where I must have looked particularly hungry or especially like a local as a merchant started talking at me obviously imploring me to buy some potatoes. When I spoke in English she apologised, look embarrassed then laughed. The berries look very good here, we usually see then as toppings, or jam or in yogurt. Strangely we did not see any berries as we walked, or certainly none that were ready to pick. They also have very good water melons and melons that are huge.

Just passed the market we came across the ‘river volleyball’ court. Bizarre idea but the crowds (and us) enjoyed the spectacle for a while.

Over to Congress Square and the Museum of Illusions. Interesting place. Puzzles, illusions, tricks of perspective and that sort of thing. Some quite strong and quite beguiling, others OK but worth a visit and an investigation.

Home again for lunch and to listen to the last gasps of Geelong for the season! No comment.

Again the temperature has reached 34 degrees so whiling away the time in our air conditioned room is not a bad option. A restaurant that supports those with Downs Syndrome was suggested by one of our guides and it looks fine so we will venture out later but earlier than we have become accustomed too. According to their website they serve traditional Slovenian food and as there are no English translations they may be correct. The restaurant is on the far edge of the old town but that is only 10 minutes walk away and in a zone we are pretty familiar with so that will be fine.

So almost goodbye from Ljubljana.

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