And in Serbia ...

Europe » Serbia » North
September 18th 2023
Published: September 18th 2023
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The Belgarde I saw in 2019 was grey , cold and rainy . The people we encountered seemed withdrawn , almost sullen . What a difference sunshine makes !

As it was Sunday morning our breakfast began with mimosas and Lox with cream cheese on a bagel . VERY good . Then it was our usual wide variety of choices and the morning special of cream cheese filled crepes with a hot fruit sauce . As I have said we are spoiled .

We then got on a bus for a tour of the city . It is a beautiful city of , I think 2.3 M people . There are many architectural styles some buildings hundreds of years old . Mind you it has been under siege many times over the years and there is evidence of the NATO bombing in the late 90's. It claims to been the first capital city bombed in the the 20th century and the last as well . It is an old city . One of the oldest in Europe they claim . Actually it dates back 7000 years.

Our guide/ commentator was a VERY knowledgeable. After the bus tour we ended up in the downtown area. Which has a very large pedestrian area. It was most pleasant to wander about and learn the origin of some of the most magnificant buildings and to see the people of Belgarde , young families , grandparents and teenagers out and about enjoying the sunshine. Such a different atmosphere than the one I experienced in the spring of 2019 . It was a pleasant surprise.

From there we went to Tito's mausoleum and memorial .These overlook the city...and the politics bègan to show . Romania has cultural and religious ties to Russia and I sensed our guides ambivalence about the war in Ukriane . There are 200000 refuges in Romaania more than half are young Russians . Her anger and bitterness toward NATO play into this war as well . The notion that Kosovo BELONGS TO SERBIA is not unlike Putin's notion that Ukraine belongs to Russia .


We then had free time and spent an enjoyable 90 minutes in the National Museum which I had been impressed with previously . Their collection isn't huge but they do have a chronlogical presentation of Europen art that dates back to the 13th C

That evening back on the ship we had a show put on by a troop of dancers and musicians .High energy, wild music featuring a clarinet , according and fiddle . Good fun all round . And the "Steak Sinatra " we had for supper wonderful .

Today we spent in Novi Sad . On my previous visit i had enjoyed tthis space and did so again . A lot of history and a newly burgeoning popultion has brought change . They are nearing half million . It seems a bit more prosperous than Belgarde and is defintely more laid back . Again i saw more of the city this time . With the g Tour we stay in the centre of town and see the centre and those things within walking distnce . Being on the river we do take buses and do "panoramic " tours as well . This has ben nice.

The pedestrian walkway , the market area and hanging out on the ship hs been good .

My feelings about Serbia and Serbians has not changed . I do believe they are an aggressive people . Listening to our guide and obseving the crew members who are Serbian sense myself being on guard . It might be a reaction to arrogance, which i have no patience with .

Anyway that is all for now . HOPE ALL IS WELL ? Do drop me line .


18th September 2023

Interesting observations
Greetings. I was interested in your comments about the Serbs and the Russian leanings. I trust your impressions. It is interesting to read your comparisons to your earlier visit. Keep on enjoying your sister’s company; the lovely food and life on a river.
18th September 2023

Sounds good
That’s a lot of sightseeing , how long will this vacation be? Stay safe, be well Roger
20th September 2023

A breath of fresh air to hear about current people after the hard times. Also the river cruise sounds inviting! All is well in SK. Our NDP MLA canvassed here today. He suggests the provincial election may be within six months. (Oh! Remember those days?) Love to hear about your days, hi to Dorina

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