Sailing to the Danube

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Europe » Romania
September 13th 2023
Published: September 13th 2023
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Damn this is my third try . The internet appears to be intermittent and I need to get into the habit of saving things as I 2rite .

Here goes again .

I am sitting on the sundeck underneath a lovely sun roof enjoying the breeze as we move down the canal that joins tthe Black Sea and the mouth of the Danube . I think it is 83 miles long but saves shipping some 400 miles . It was originally built i, over 9 years in the 1950 by political prisoners . It was a gulag that was noted for its harsh treatment of the men . It had existed in its original form for 20 years but in the 1980's it was modernized and the locks improved to deal with a wider variety of shipping vessals .

It is most pleasant to sit here and watch the activity on EACH side as we move along .

Meanwhile back with the tour . Monday morning we started with a walking tour of the area near our hotel . Many of the buildings here are creditted to King Carlos .The palace , which now houses art museums , the Athenian Theatre and various government buildings our gide referred to as products of the Belle Epoch . Then we did a panoramic bus tour of the city with a very informative dialogue . It is a city of officially 2.5 million but is probably closer to 3.5 million . The population appears to be quite young . The late 1800's, 1918-1947 were it,s time of greatest growth. Mind you city is much older than that . The huge mansions I had noted in the last entry are in many parts of the city . The RUSSIANS did it destroy those buildings but only the party elite could live in them . Not quite true ...the wealthy could and did pay for privileges.

The newest structures , the Parliment and the new Patriarchal church are both huge..monstrous even . was nearly bankrupted with the one and less than 25% of it is used . It reminded me of the Dolmabatche (Sp) Palace in Istanbul. Over the top .

A bit of an aside . The train just passed us going at a good clip . I was amazed when I saw it was electric. Good for Romania . Now we are passing vineyards . I must say I do enjoy the Romanian wines we have been drinking.

Back to the tour .

I the afternoon there was a walking tour of the old town which we were already familiar with but i learned names and functions of some of the huge buildings there.

The rest of the day we walked and gawked, had of meal at a high end restaurant , which was very disappointing.

Tuesday morning we went for breakfast and realized we were exhausted. SO we went back to bed for the morning . We needed it !,

After we had checked out we all went out for lunch to the restaurant we had gone to the first night . Indoors, outside ,upstairs and Down they can sit 700 . A big beautiful place featuring traditional Romanian food . It was very good . Then we were on the bus to drive 2-3 hours to Conastanta and boarded our boat . It is larger than i imagined it would be and their numbers are really down . We are only 73 peĆ²ple So we have lots of room . We were actually upgraded from the "duck " level to a picture window room. The food and it's presentation has been wonderful . Dinner appears to be 5 courses and lunch as well . I will be happy with my elastic waist bands.

This morning we did a tour of The city of Constantas and also went to a beach on the Black Sea . The water was surprisingly warm .

Life is good folks .

I must finish today . Keep in touch .


13th September 2023

The email is working now!
Thanks for the great description of your travel adventure so far. It makes me want to take a boat trip one day too. And Bucharest sounds over the top. No frost here yet but 20 degree swings some days. And it's dry.
13th September 2023

The email is working now!
Thanks for the great description of your travel adventure so far. It makes me want to take a boat trip one day too. And Bucharest sounds over the top. No frost here yet but 20 degree swings some days. And it's dry.
16th September 2023

How wonderful to hear of your travels: the tastes, the feelings, the colour. Thanks for sharing. Today is one of those late-summer, calm and sunny prairie days. I was outside starting to think about bringing the house plants in from their summer vacation in the yard. The birds were chirping. Yes, some of them were magpies, and the Friday sounds included a lawnmower or two, and the sun sets early. But holy moly, it is a beautiful world.

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