Venice and Amalfi Coast

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January 4th 2022
Published: January 5th 2022
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Maggie has definitely made the most of her time in Italy with whirlwind trips to both Venice and the Amalfi Coast since seeing Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius.

Yesterday, Maggie and four other girls (Salma, Bella, Meadow and Kelsey - all fellow SAS passengers) flew for a one-day sightseeing trip to Venice. She adored Venice, and found it one of the most beautiful cities she's seen so far. They rode in a Gondola, visited St. Mark's square, and just strolled through the Venetian streets before flying back to Naples that night.

Today, Maggie decided to take a solo trip to the Amalfi coast. She navigated the Naples metro, Italian train, and Salerno buses to spend just over an hour admiring the Amalfi coast before reversing the trip in time to drop in on a castle she spotted in Salerno that closed at 5:00pm (we think she made it, anyway!). This was her first solo venture, as her friend Salma has been taking the lead on logistics for their sightseeing thus far. But she successfully got herself to and from today so that she could spend her last night in the hostel in Naples before boarding the ship tomorrow to begin her SAS voyage.

Hard to believe her time in Italy is already coming to an end. Tomorrow morning she'll get her next rapid COVID test (likely will have one in every port throughout the voyage), which apparently is quite easy to obtain, and then boards the ship at 2:30pm her time, when she'll find her home-away-from-home cabin and meet her 2 bunkmates for the next 4 months! A big day coming!

We continue to plead for pictures, and Maggie assures us more will be coming. We added a couple from Pompeii to the prior post, as well as a couple from Venice and some internet photos of the hostel where she stayed to today's. We'll keep asking and sharing as we can. Thanks for following along, and please feel free to comment anytime!

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