Vesuvius and Pompeii

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Europe » Italy » Campania » Mount Vesuvius
June 3rd 2008
Published: June 8th 2008
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Vesuvius 1Vesuvius 1Vesuvius 1

On the wy to the volcano
So, after spending a day in the playground of the rich and famous - Capri, we had a day today seeing the sights in Pompeii and Mt Vesuvius.

Pompeii itself is pretty shabby. The property has no value, and can’t be sold, because of the volcano, and as an outer suburb of Naples these days, it’s pretty rough.

We jumped straight on the bus to go up the volcano from the train station. What a ride. Typical narrow Italian roads barely big enough for one way, yet designated as two way.

Our bus driver spotted a mate driving a bus from the same company halfway up the mountain - so they played chicken with us on board, then pulled up and had a laugh about it and a chat for about 5 minutes - all whilst a queue of vehicles built up each way behind them, honking horns etc….. Unreal!

The volcano was cool. Well, kinda hot actually. It was smoking just a bit around the rim - which made it that bit more exciting. Not sure if the photo’s and video do it justice, but the crater is HUGE. Trying to imagine a column of molten
In the craterIn the craterIn the crater

Still smoking in parts!
rock blasting kilometers into the air that size defies the imagination.

The bus ride down was slightly less hairy. We avoided getting ripped off for a sit down lunch (just), and then went into the excavated ruins of old Pompeii.

What an amazing place! There are buildings, frescoes and details there still almos in their original condition. Most of the moveable stuff has been taken away to the Naples museum, with some of it replaced by replica’s, but even so, we spent 3 hours wandering around the city, and still only covered maybe 30% of it.

Just remember when looking at the photos, that this stuff was built or made 2000 years ago, and has not been ‘restored’ or ‘touched up’ - it’s just survived in this condition for that long.

Got back to Sorrento late arvo and had a wander ‘round the rest of the town, but couldn’t resist going back to Da Emilia in the end. Weren’t disappointed either - if anything, the meal was even better than last time - and half the price of last nights dinner. Yay!

Off to Positano for a day on the beach tomorrow.

Ciao for
Us on the edgeUs on the edgeUs on the edge

of the crater.....

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8



In the crater
Poor BuggerPoor Bugger
Poor Bugger

One of the plasster casts of a victim in Pompeii

Cool little statues around the walls of the public baths in Pompeii

Main theatre in Pompeii

Yes - it's what it looks like - they were pretty dirty back then by the looks of it!

29th April 2017
Poor Bugger

What nasty title for the picture that shows someone who died of asphyxiation in one of the worse catastrophes in History. I can't believe someone would actually call this poor creature "bugger."
30th April 2017
Poor Bugger

It's a plaster cast you troll, and obviously the Australian vernacular doesn't translate wherever you're from.
30th April 2017
Poor Bugger

It's a plaster cast you troll, and obviously the Australian vernacular doesn't translate wherever you're from.

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