Nea Kameni Volcano Hike

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Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini
May 12th 2022
Published: May 12th 2022
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

I was really happy when I was assigned to join a hike in Santorini, because most of the tours lately were bus or city walking tours.

When it said volcano hike I prepared myself for long day out, but it turned out to only be a very small volcano and the hike was only over an hour. I was still very happy to get off the ship to go on a little hike.

Since we are anchored just outside the cliffs of Santorini we had to take a boat to the island of Nea Kameni. It was a really pretty sail boat, almost like a pirate boat. It took us about 30 minutes to get to the island and from there we walked up the hill to see the small creator. The walk itself was not too extensive, but the views were stunning, because you had a nice view of Santorini and the other villages around.

The hike also gave me a good opportunity to talk to some of our guest, most of them are very well travel and they had some great travel experience to share. Once we reached the top we got a good look at the creator which was overgrown with grass, but at some area you could still see smoke coming up and the air smelled of sulfa.

At the end of the hike we took the boat to another small island where we were promised to swim in the hotsprings. But to get there we had to jump of the ship into freezing water and when we got there the "hot spings" were only slightly warmer. I only stayed for a few minutes to rest and then swam back to the boat.

It was a beautiful day out and I hope to go on more hikes soon.

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