Hike to Kolokithia Beach

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Europe » Greece » Crete » Elounta
May 23rd 2022
Published: May 23rd 2022
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Within the last few weeks we have visited Crete a few times, but usually we are docked in Souda Bay to visit Chania. This cruise we stopped at new place a bit further east called Aghios Nikolas.

Here I signed up for a short hike from the town of Elounda to Kolokithia Beach. When we left Aghios it was raining pretty heavily, but once we arrived in Elounda the sky cleared and the sun came out. The hike was an easy one, walking through the town and then heading over to the Island of Kolokithia. Only for the last bit the ground became a bit uneven and we had to watch our steps. The views of the bay were breathtaking, with water so clear and blue that you could see all the way to the bottom.

The beach itself is very small, and only part of it is a sand beach. Most of the coast is covered with rocks, but there are a lot of hiking trails. Which I really enjoyed because I am not a beach person. After a quick swim in the cold water I went to explore the islands trails a bit more before it was time to go back to Elounda to grab some lunch.

Back in town we stopped for some tapas and ouzo at a small restaurant called Megaro. They served some octopus and anchovies. Also I am not a fan of seafood our guest really enjoyed it.

Kolokithia Island is definitely worth a visit if you like walking and beautiful views.

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