Colmar...the sun is back in Alsace!

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Europe » France » Alsace » Colmar
July 26th 2009
Published: July 31st 2009
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The next few blogs will be a succesion of little stops all over Europe. Ma'ri will join us in Vienna...but till there we'll be driving around few jewels of Europe. Our car is loaded with goodies, ready to hit 7 countries in the next 12 days. The kilometer counter is already way above the 2000km since we landed in Frankfurt. A lot more new discoveries are awaiting us. You may have to be a little patient for each entry on the blog as I'm not sure of our internet connections in the next few days...and also as I'm still working at the same time while on the road ( yes, yes!).

We left early Luxembourg to make sure the day wouldn't be too long for Tiffany and Leslie. They are used to very long flights, but not much to be seating at the back of a car...buckled and not moving for few hours in a raw. So our first stop, few hours in Colmar, a little jewel of Alsace. As you can see, the sun is back, and we truly enjoy it! The last few days were not that rainy...more like very cloudy...but I'm sure we all agree that tourism and sun are a way better cocktail!

Parked the car, and here we are for a nice stroll all around Colmar. Not much to say, the kids enjoyed the architecture, the fishes in the little river crossing the city. And finally, our lunch time for some local specialities. On my side, I loved to see flowers all over the place. Sure this wouldn't be the same in winter. But in the middle of the summer, every house, every little square is full of flowers of thousand different colors. The wooden beams houses and the flowers are a truly charming experience.

A lot of tourists around, and I understand why. The last time I came to the region was three years ago to celebrate my Mum birthday and few days break in region with great wines and even greater food. I'm so happy to share this place with the kids...even if this time, I've got to be much more careful for my wine consumption as I'm driving.

We spotted a nice terrace, a sunny terrace....and sat for our nice food discovery. The dish of the day is Flammekeuche, also known as "tarte flambee". We all settled for the "gratinee". This is a "pizza type" base, covered with cream, bacon and cheese. You could also have it with Munster (but this cheese is too smelly for my taste), or "forestiere" with mushrooms. I settle for a little glass of pinot blanc...only one...and later we continued with another little stroll before taking the road for our next stop.

At just 7 years old, Tiffany is not really into food discovery, but I'm glad that Leslie is now way more curious and ready to try a lot of different regional foods...if only he could do the same with vegetables..that will come!

Early afternoon, we were back in the car...for a short drive of nearly two hours to the South. Paid the Swiss highway fee and enjoyed a ride in the Alps. Our next few entries will be in the Alps. I'm a little late on posting, but this will come very soon.

Enjoy the smiles of Leslie and Tiffany...sometime they do not smile that well on pics...just waking up after a nap on the road...but I love them the way they are!

With love, from all of us...

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1st August 2009

Just how far is this from Paris?
Lovely place, Peter. Your kids beat many of us in travel mileage! Have not been to this area. Don't even know if it is north, south, west or east of Paris. Drop me a line, and tell me how to get there. The place looks so enchanting, esp at this time of year!
2nd August 2009

Hi Lili
It's East of Paris, few miles from Germany, and South of Strasbourg. I've been few times in the region. They have great wines, great food, wonderful architecture and very nice little villages around. We were just passing through with the kids. So more blogs coming soon...and few places where I know you've already been too! We are back in Asia soon!
11th August 2009

Hello, I have seen your Travel Blog site. Very fine and proffessional. Thanks for the "smiling" pictures. Michel De Beukelaer

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