Copenhagen Day 1-2

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May 4th 2024
Published: May 4th 2024
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I arrived to a friendly atmosphere and met up with Caroline and headed to the house. It was great to have a home cooked meal and Danish dessert after arriving. I don’t know what to call it but it was everything I normally don’t eat and it was good! Buttermilk, another milk, vanilla something, cookie bits & ice cream. Was given plenty of wine and licorice liquor. It tastes like cough medicine. I was delighted that there were licorice candies out—I like REAL black licorice. We sat around and talked and relaxed…little bit of hygge there.

Today I almost got dragged out of bed because I kept snoozing my alarm and finally compromised at 11am and got up. I figured 5am est was late enough. It was nice to not have to rush anywhere and visit, taking my time getting to the city center. I’m so used to wanting to experience everything, but here, one thing to channel is a hygge experience. Basically it’s chillaxing and it goes as deep as the furnishings & ambiance.

I eventually made my way to The Happiness Museum. Took the bus to the city center and walked so I could see the sights and feel the experiences on the ground. I got distracted by a parade of Star Wars characters accompanying a marching band. I have no idea what was going on but I was there for it. The Happiness Museum is based on research on happiness carried out at the Happiness Institute, which exists here in Denmark. It was interesting to read about the different areas of the world, what quantifies happiness, how similarities and differences exist between different groups of people and generally how quality of life is broken down and how happiness plays a role. I was granted a Happiness Ambassador card upon my exit. It was an interesting exhibit and I only wish that the tablets that had previously had polls throughout the museum were working and up to date. The concept is most definitely an important one. Denmark has the most happiness equality in the world. I liked the question posed about Scandinavian countries (can’t remember if it was specifically one)—is it that they are more happy or just generally less unhappy?

Next I went to Rosenberg Gardens and Castle. Having been in several castles by this point, I’m always amazed at the wealth that accumulates and the plethora of art. I can’t imagine what one would do with so many rooms and so many things. The jewels were interesting to look at closely. I spent some time looking at the adornment of one crown and it had little figures placed around representing I can imagine different aspects of life. The gardens would be wonderful to visit and spend time in during warm weather. It’s grey and chilly. The trees are flowering and things are starting to bloom. Not too far off from home. It was really nice before I came and I believe it’s really nice at home now that I’m here. 😆

Tonight we’re having dinner in and heading to an Irish Pub and then I’m going to attempt to wake up earlier to get to the Human Library tomorrow!

Photos won’t upload so I will try again later!


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