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Europe » Austria
September 11th 2023
Published: September 15th 2023
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Yesterday, Zori came to pick us up from our Prague apartment and drop us at the train station. Then we were off to Austria!
The train ride was around 4 hours, and uneventful. I read for most of it. Once we arrived in Vienna, we found where Gaby was waiting for us. It was so great to see her again. We had spent months working together on a dive boat in Australia when I was 20, then a few weeks traveling together a couple years later in Spain, and I'd gone to visit her in Austria after that, and then she had come to Canada for a visit the following year. Since then, I hadn't seen her- 25 years!

She took us to her apartment, we dropped our bags, and then we headed out to go paddleboating on the river. One of her friends met up with us. The weather was perfect, and Gaby had brought along a lot of snacks, and a bottle of champagne. So much fun! Afterwards, her friend Amy headed home, we went back to the apartment to change and pick up Stanzi (Gaby's 17 year old daughter), and we went to a nearby vineyard for dinner.

Elly left super early the following morning, and Gaby went in to work. I did a load of laundry and then went out to walk around for awhile. Gaby was back from work by 2, so we headed to the centre of town to see some of the historic buildings, and then she took me to a cool 'beach' bar by the river (they've put sand and lounge chairs on the ground). There was a guy that looked just like James Spader from the series the Blacklist- I wonder if it was him, as the resemblance was so strong.

We headed back to the apartment, and Gaby made a fondue for us for dinner, lots of fun. Then we looked through old photo albums of our past adventures.

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