Why we sold The Orchid Lodge and what's next...

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September 8th 2008
Published: September 8th 2008
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After the Househunter's episode aired last week, we received literally hundreds of emails and comments asking why we sold and what we are doing now.

I appreciate all of the compliments from those that watched the show and appreciated our updates and repairs to the property and thank those that said it would be a place that you would like to visit. You still can and even though I no longer own it, I can assure you it's one of the nicest places to stay in the entire country and you would be remiss if you did not stay there for a couple of nights.

To answer all of those that asked how we could leave Costa Rica; The Lodge is beautiful and came out better than we could have ever imagined. Our time there was great and I treasure having been able to spend a year spending almost 24 hours a day raising my son Yoni with Rachel. We thankfully built a great business, met amazing people and took a very important step forward in our lives.

So why did we leave it all behind after so much work??

Yoni was born last April and it immediately became clear to us that our priorities had shifted drastically. We wanted Yoni to know his family, and wanted to be a day's drive away from family, so that on a whim he and any of his future siblings could see their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Being in Costa Rica, we were only a 4 hour flight away, but it felt much futher and it was clearly not the same thing. So, we decided that it was time to put the house on the market soon after he was born.

Selling was a lot more dramatic than we had expected. Many people made offers to buy the house with no intention of actually purchasing, there were scammers and losers finding their way to our door almost daily. After dropping our price a number of times, we did find a buyer.

We moved back to the US and I was offered a wonderful job, Rachel is expecting again and we are about to buy a house in Cleveland. We are now a five minute drive from countless family members including my grandparents / Yoni's great-grandparents.

The idea of owning the B & B was wonderful and I would not trade the last few years for anything, but it was time to move on. We got that itch out of our systems, and we are now very happy to be boring Yuppies. It's far less exciting, but now we never have to ask ourselves, "What if we had followed our dream?"

We have followed that dream and found that it was not actually what we wanted in life. Sometimes the things that are the most valuable in life are far less exciting, wrapped in far less attractive packages than the dreams we have. At the end of the day, having 30 family members at a barbecue in our postage stamp sized back yard means more to us than being alone to enjoy a beautiful mountain view and good weather.


8th September 2008

nice to have Yoni state side
I can only add that we "pop pop and grandma" are so happy to have Rachel and Matt back home and our lil Costa Rican “Yoni” our grandson so close. It was a wonderful experience for Matt and Rachel and for all of the family that was able to visit Costa Rica and the Orchid lodge on so many occasions. The work that went into the lodge was truly a Herculean effort. We are so proud that the lodge went thru a renovation and updating and was so successful. The daily and on some occasions the hourly updates from Matt on the construction project was wonderful. I will never forget the call from Costa Rica to my cell phone from Matt asking my advice on what size hot water heater he should buy. It was like he was at home depot around the corner, not in a country 6,000 miles away. Matt and Rachel actualized a dream that many of us never are able to. Of course the reality of building a home into a lodge was a huge undertaking in a country that is Spanish speaking. Matt was able to pick up the language and can now speak Spanish fluently. It was always so interesting to learn how the renovations were coming and as the reservations started to come in we learned about the “guests”. They were almost as interesting as the renovations. Of course when the time came to sell the lodge there were the “characters” that were just as interesting to say the least. My fondest memory of course is spending time in the lodge waiting for Yoni to be born at the Costa Rican hospital. After his birth Paul and Judy, Rachel’s mom and dad joined us for a wonderful week of getting to know Yoni. Our time in Costa Rica with the Bernstein’s and Rachel, Matt and Yoni will always be a special memory. So welcome home and best wishes to Rob in his new venture.
1st October 2008

Hi, I watched the episode with interest. I congratulate you on creating such a wonderful opportunity/life experience for yourself. As a mom of 2 little ones myself, I 100% understand why you would want to be back in the states near family. Best wishes!
5th October 2008

I just finished watching your episode on tv while surfing the net, and by coincidence, as I watched your episode, I felt something was not right about the couple on the show buying such a huge place in another country, so isolated from home, etc. When I found this website, I read that you two have left the lodge and began a family life back in the US. I think it must have been a great adventure for you two, but I think you have chosen the better adventure now!! good luck!
5th October 2008

Good for you!
Just watched the HGTV segment and loved it. Costa Rica has long been on my "big list" -- the places I truly mean to visit in this lifetime, G-d willing. (It's actually a pretty short list - a handful of places around the world - but the intentions are big!) I am a mom, too, and I completely understand why you would choose proximity to extended family over even such a beautiful place (mops or not! :-) To tell you the truth, I was thinking of looking up the Orchid Lodge while viewing the Costa Rican countryside on TV, but what tipped me over from thinking to looking was the beautiful pictures of Yoni at the end -- he is a love! I wish you and your family all the best. Giving Yoni a life growing up near his grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles is something that is precious beyond anything else I can think of.
5th October 2008

On our visit to Costa Rica a few years back, my husband and I fell in love with this beautiful country and the most "simpatico" people you could ever meet. As we were approaching retirement, he seriously questioned if this was a possible retirement home for us. The thought of being a 4 hour flight away from my two young grandchildren ended that discussion for me. So I understand your reasons for leaving CR but also applaud your undertaking of following your dream. It's not that it didn't work; you all made it a success and then it was time to move on and face new challenges. That certainly defines parenting! Best to you both!
5th October 2008

I saw your episode on House Hunters International and immediately my husband and I starting searching the site to find out more about your bed and breakfast. Even though you guys no longer own the B/B, it looks so beautiful. We admired your courage to step out of your comfort zone to follow your dreams. If you ever have any doubts that you made the best decision to put your children and family first, look into the big beautiful eyes of the babies and undoubtely you will know that the decision was all worth it. I wish you and your entire family the best. God bless!
3rd January 2009

Hi! Just saw the show again on HGTV, and I really admire you for your vision to follow your heart to Costa Rica - and back home again. I appreciate your blogging and your most informative lesson you've shared with us all about discovering where true value really is - in relationships and not in mountain views and sunsets! It's in sharing, not "things". Thank you so much for your willingness to share this insight. Best to you! Please visit us at www.hearingthecall.org.
3rd January 2009

Don't Stop the Carnival
My wife and I had similar dreams to relocate and sell out up here. After talking to friends who actually did it, they suggesting reading "Don't Stop the Carnival" and to stay put and travel when possible. I think moving and living somewhere else takes the magic out of it. Just saw the story last night on HGTV. Glad the owners were able to get out! Much luck!
31st January 2009

Good luck...
I too watched your 'show' and wondered how you 'made out'. We live in Costa Rica and was not surprised by your decision to return to your 'home turf'. For a young family, this was not an easy life that you chose, and I guess, it was one that you had to try. At least, if you decide once you are older you can legally reside here! Good luck with your next project!
24th May 2009

Saw the House hunters episode and the pics of the baby. Shes SO CUTE. i wish you luck and joy. Have a nice time in costa rica
24th May 2009

I just saw your episode for the second time. Congratulations on your 2 babies. You are clearly there for your children. I am sure mom is so much happier now that you are nearby. The new owner, Robert Nuey, sounds very proud of the inn and I would love to head down there for a visit. I've never been to S.A. and I think the Orchid just may be the best introduction. It looks like paradise. Best wishes!!
4th July 2009

Good for you!
I Also just watched your program air on HDTV, congrats on following your dream. My husband and I are also away from our family(Aunts,Uncles,Grandparents. etc....)with our three little girls same country at least but there is much to be said to having a good support system around!
12th July 2009

Dreams do change
I just saw the HGTV show and had almost made up my mind that we should pick up and move to Costa Rica. Then as I sadly read your post I remembered that we too were once living in our own little heaven on earth in a National Reserve across the state from everyone we cared about. Then we conceived our first child. By the time she was 3 months old we packed up everything we owned and headed back to the hot, humid, insect-filled South to the most remote country town. Being close to family meant changing our lives. Now that we have 3 children moving away is only an option in our dreams. I think I was so intrigued by the show because you were going where we all want to go and doing what we all want to do. Living outside the box. Well, welcome back inside the box. Where we still dreaming about retirement.
12th July 2009

I so enjoyed watching the show with you and your beautiful wife. I am a hospice social worker in Kansas City MO. I feel compelled to congratulate you-- not because of your new family addition or your wonderful job. But because you followed your dream. By some people's estimations the B&B adventure may not have worked out, but in my view it did. In Coasta Rica you lived, learned, cherished and celebrated. Good for you. Virtually every week I sit with patients who are at the end of their lives and share with me their regrets--- they didn't spend enough time with their kids, they stayed in unhappy marriages, they never pursued their life's joy. But you and your wife realized that life is so very short and precisely because of that we have to live each dream and venture a gamble on our interests. The brevity of life prompts many of us, if we are wise, to understand that each moment spent with family- be it in a tiny backyard or a mansion- is priceless. May you continue to follow your dreams, no matter where they take you. Rebecca Baker
12th July 2009

Dear Rachel and Jeff: HGTV has been a favorite channel in my home, better then CNN, but today got to see for the first time your story. I have to tell you, congratulations on making a dream come true. In life, there are many dreamers out there, like me, but we never have the "guts" to go out ther and make it come true. People like you make the world go round. For you have lived out of the states. And when I see people leaving home and heading to a place far from home and living "alone" with a beautiful mountain view, that I could never understand. For what happens after a month, a year, how much view can one take. I rather take a vacation for a month of the year, but there is no place like the USA. I'm glad to know that one of the babies learned spanish. Who knows if one day he like to make his dreams come true, just like his parents. I admire you, your wife and family. And like Dorothy of the Oz said, "there's no place like home". Overall, Costa Rica is a place for me to consider as a vacation spot. Your story was the best I have seen at HGTV... Good Luck....
12th July 2009

Home Hunters July 12th 2009
Hey Guys. Great story. I think the moral to the story is if you want a lot of publicity for a business, get aired on HGTV. ;-) As someone who's made multiple trips down the CR, and has friends in San Jose, I've frequently thought about what it might be like to buy a place down there. I'm more partial to Guanacaste, but no matter where I stay when I'm there I always have a great time. One of my biggest concerns in living down there has always been related to proximity to family. I've still not put the prospects out of my mind, but hearing and see some of your story sure gets the juices flowing. It's nice to hear that it sounds like if you had all to do again, you probably wouldn't change too much. And like you said, you gave it your shot, and took a chance. Best wishes for you and your family moving forward.
12th July 2009

HGTV, but changed owners : (
We were sooooo excited to see the House Hunters episode, and watch you two embark on such a fantastic adventure and follow your dreams, it was really very inspirational, we wanted to know all about it, and plan a trip there to see your gorgeous place. As soon as the show was over we went to the website, only to find no pictures of two, and a biography of a Chicago area military chef??? We were so confused. Had we got the website wrong? What had happened?? After a few days of talking about it and watching again on Tivo, we decided to Google the show and episode. We found your blog and were so happy to find your story but soooooooo disappointed to hear you gave up your dreams : ( Did you plan to start a family so soon ? Towards the end of the episode when you said you were pregnant, we just looked at each other, and said 'how in the world are they going to manage running the B&B, and watch a baby at the same time???' Was that an unexpected part of the plan, or was it something you planned on, and it just got to be too much to manage? Happy for you both, but the magic of visiting is now gone, as you two were the reason this place was so special. I'm sure the new owner is fine, but your show, and story was the real magic. Thanks and good luck in Ohio.
13th July 2009

I knew it the whole episode!
I just saw the rerun on HGTV and as I was watching with my husband, I said to him I guarantee this couple does not still own this B and B. The minute you mentioned the pregnancy at the end of the episode, I just knew. I said to my hubby, once she has kids, she will want to be with family. As a mom of 3 kids under 8, I needed family around. You so eloquently summed it up by saying having your whole family around for milestones during the lives so outweighs the stunning beauty of Costa Rica. Being in breathtaking place w/ young kids means nothing if you dont have people to share it with. You guys made a very very smart move! Best of Luck!
6th October 2009

Welcome To Cleveland
After watching the househunters special I thought that you guys had it made, were living in heaven and expecting a child. I totally understand and agree with yourdecision to move back to where your children can get to know thir family. As a fellow Clevelander i want to welcome you to our great city
6th October 2009

Wonderful Dream
We all need to live our dreams, but I love what you wrote that family is most important. And without those we love in our lives, even our dreams do not have the same meaning. When I saw your show on House Hunters, I quickly did a google on the Orchid Lodge and was expecting a website for booking reservations, which we hope to do. And now that I have seen your lodge and even with a new owner, I will certainly keep it mind for our trip to Costa Rica. Best wishes to you and your lovely famly.
6th October 2009

I must admit following your dream meant alot of work and upkeep and unrealistic expectations. I seen the moment you put your bid in and started to keep up the grounds that what you 2 had done was not what you expected it to be. I think you should of just came back to the U.S. and leaving someone to manage it and then you could of had your cake and eat it to. But you choosing to sell is also understandable kids do make a drastic change in your life and this dream could have been just that a dream had you not been there done that. I could not believe anyone can up and leave there lifes and family for a chance at a nice scenery and nice weather since to me that is all Costa Rica has to offer as far as living there unless you have extended family there or are from there. So I am happy you 2 got to see what life had to offer you before you settled on having babies which I am sure far more life changing then living out your dream of the B&B. Good luck to you both and your family and God bless
7th October 2009

Thank you
Thanks for taking the time to post an update on your lives. I think many people have the same dream you have, and so it is good to see that even though you had fun that family is important. Maybe you saved me husband from liquidating our assets and moving to a foreign country. We can just vicariously enjoy your experience. Best wishes to you and your young family.
23rd October 2009

Good luck with your next journey
Hi, The househunters episode just re-aired, and I was very glad to see it worked out for you - even for the short time. You seem like a wonderful couple and I'm glad you had your dream realized even for a time. Better to have fulfilled a dream and then change your mind then to never have gone after it. Good luck in the next phase of your lives. I am planning a trip to Costa Rica myself, and will look into the Orchid Lounge. Is it still open?
18th January 2010

best of luck..
I saw your show on HGTV... Best of luck with your growing family....
18th January 2010

Blessings to you!
Hi! I was off today and am just now seeing your episode. Your baby is absolutely ADORABLE !!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you two for taking the chance then, knowing there is no problem with recasting your life as priorities change! I have made many such decisions in life and the enduring thing is God, love, family. Thankfully, I was so intrigued by the show I went to see if there was a website and discovered this! I was actually born in Cleveland, spent a year from 2003-4 living and working out of Cincinnati, back to Virginia and now, following my husband's job for the first time, am in North Carolina. Take care, continue to enjoy that postage size yard; blessings!!!!!! Mona
19th January 2010

We have to do it!!
My wife and I watched your show today on HGTV. We have been to Costa Rica in the past and have recently been researching moving to Costa Rica. We are very serious about it to a point where we are even thinking of having our second baby there in June! I read a quote today - "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain - We moved from our family 7 years ago from Chicago to Denver (many of them followed us) and now we are thinking of doing it again! It is different now that we have a child and another one on the way, but we feel we have to do it and we could always come back to the states. Good luck in Cleveland!
27th April 2010

Fellow Clevelander!
Hi Guys, Just saw the second episode your CR adventure and logged on to your website to find it was sold and that you moved to CLEVELAND!!! We live in Parma Heights Ohio. Hope you are finding that Cleveland IS a wonderful place to raise a family. We have wonderful private schools, world renowned Cleveland Orchestra, Cleveland Clinic and HOW ABOUT THOSE CAVS!!!! There is NOTHING more important than children and family so enjoy them both! Warmly Kris and Gary Montgomery of Parma Heights Ohio
28th May 2010

Does Josh Voecks still work for the Orchid Lodge. We boarded our cat with him while he was managing the property two years ago. He was so nice and showed us around the spectacular property. It was for sale at that time. Just wondered what happened to the nice guyand his wiener dog Bunny Sincerely, Susan & Tom Ritter
1st July 2010

Randomly saw Househunters and remembered you from back in the day upstate. Glad things are awesome; disappointed the show isn't current and I can't visit a kosher b & b in costa rica. Oh well. Rock on. E z r a
2nd July 2010

Congrats/Jenny & Craig Comment - boo!
Jenny & Craig ~ what a selfish comment you've left on here. The couple said they did follow their dream & then realized it changed. How difficult it is to start a new business and then relocate soon after (I have done so myself). It takes courage to make a huge life change and then do it again soon after. The important thing is that they are happy. How strange that you asked about their specific timing of conceiving. Again, quite a selfish thing to say. I wish you and your family all the best!
7th July 2010

Just watched your House Hunters and thought I would check out the website. My husband and I were on HH a few years ago and have always wanted to go to Costa Rica so thought it would be fun to visit the Orchid Lodge. While it's sad to see you've sold it's also completely understandable. Since having our son (now 3) family has become hugely important to us, and I find myself wishing I hadn't emigrated quite so far (my family is in the UK). You had the adventure of a lifetime in Costa Rica, and now you're on an even more exciting adventure...parenthood. Best wishes and good luck for the future, The Green Family Seattle
17th November 2010

HGTV just aired the episode
I just watched your episode on HGTV. Your story is so uplifting and exciting to set off on a wonderful adventure to fulfill your dreams. I grabbed the laptop while still watching the show to see how everything was going. I Wish you and your family the best but agree that OH is a wonderful place to raise children near family:) I hope to someday visit The Orchild Lodge.
29th January 2011

My wife and I can understand why you left
My wife and I moved to Costa Rica from the States roughly 7 years ago just sold our condo just outside of San Jose last week, we are moving back to the States. We just saw the show (in CR, TV programming is 2-3 years behind) and I could tell the couple was visibly unhappy after having to spend 75k in repairs/upgrades and can empathize. The majority of workers here are terrible and unprofessional (don't think they even understand that word). We have had many workers come into our home with the unfortunate result of having to hire more workers to come in and repair the mess the inital workers made. Point in case: We had a simple A/C unit installed and the workers left approx. 6-8 more holes in our wall/ceiling, the unit was unlevel and overall, it was just a diasaster. This kind of thing has happened over and over and one--they also hate to clean up properly so if you are not riding them and dictating to them how specifically the job must be done, they will take liberty and start trying to work on other things. I would equate the mentaility to immature monkeys--it's the more disrespectful, idiotic thing we have ever experienced. One mistake this couple made was that they obviously were not agreeing to firm prices before the work begins---HUGE mistake down here. Also, their comment rings true: "Selling was a lot more dramatic than we had expected. Many people made offers to buy the house with no intention of actually purchasing, there were scammers and losers finding their way to our door almost daily. After dropping our price a number of times, we did find a buyer" We certainly feel their pain--when trying to sell our condo, we have had scammers (never show your home in CR to someone if they are not represented by an agent) and we had so many that will make an offer to our face then disappear like they were only kidding or never intended to purchase--FRUSTRATING to say the least! We still can not comprehend why people waste others' time like that. Disrespectful, stupid and downright confusing---after 7 years, unfortunately, this is how we feel about the majority of the Costa Rican people. Fair or not, most are disrespectful and stupid--and this is coming from two people that have traveled the world and spent time in Africa, Thailand, Vietman, Laos, Cambodia, France, Amsterdam, Spain, Italy and more. Just like this couple, we are excited to get out of here and so happy we sold. Looking forward to moving back to the Midwest where more honest, straightforward people exist. CR is certainly beautiful, but over time it's difficult for one to see past the flaky and shady idiots--so many Americans are now fleeing according to the real estate agents we worked with and knowing friends of ours who left this past year. CR is great if you are a hippie with no responsibilities roaming throughout the jungle and beaches but if you want to be a home owner and have a business, this place and primarily its' people will make you go mad, literally. You will be leaving here like the mom and her son on the Shining--running for your life and looking forward to speaking with people who actually mean what they say. Good Bye CR and Good Riddance!!
10th March 2011

The Village of Love
Dear Folks, I am delighted for you that you are wise enough to recognize that truth is always more important than consistency. Yoni and sibling are lucky indeed to have parents who have awakened to the village of love that our families provide for our children. Children get such a sense of place and history when they are raised with their loving families in close proximity. Hats off to you for following your dream and also for letting it go when life gave you the gift of children. As a proud "Nonny" of two delightful grandchildren I cannot tell you how much I value being able to be in my grandchildren's lives. I watch the faces of the paternal grandparents as they greet these children and know that they are transported beyond the mundane confines of this world and into a place of pure love. This is the village that raises all of our children when we make it possible.
10th March 2011

Best Wishes
I to, like many others, just saw the HGTV show on the Orchid Lodge. It sparked my interest enough to go on my long list of potential travel destinations. I wish Rachel and Matt the best of luck in their ventures and the new owner Robert Nuey, a prosperous and successful business. I don't know enough about the Orchid Lodge yet but I plan on finding out more to see if the location might become a travel destination in the future. Tom in Kansas City
21st September 2013

Too Late
I have NEVER forgotten the HGTV House Hunter International episode and just found it on YouTube wow gone :( I have been getting scuba certification and meeting you and enjoying your hospitality while diving in Costa Rica was my plan! Good luck to your family and may you continue your dreams take care Yvonne
20th November 2014

I understand
Yep, I understand. I lived in Central America, rural, beautiful waves, surfed every day basically alone, no other surfers, paradise. I built a "surf shack" on the beach, ate rice and ceviche, and was "living the dream". The only problem was, that it wasn't MY dream. Now, I am married to an absolutely beautiful and wonderful woman, we have two amazing children, and I am far, far, FAR more content now than I ever was on that beach. The best things in life are family. Places like Central America, at least for us, are places to go on vacation, and it is always nice to get back home. We spend three weeks this past summer in Costa Rica (June 2014) and it was really nice...to visit. Congratulations for having the cojones to give it a try in the first place. Suerte con todo, Jim

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