Page 4 of thecrashpacker Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ueno October 4th 2008

"Backpackers" carried packs on their backs. They traveled the world and followed the aromas of banana pancakes, dreams of remoteness and the Lonely Planet's recommendations. Of this, we all agree These days the "Flashpackers" roam the earth. Decked with electronic gear and assorted power chargers, internal flight bookings and reservations at hidden spa-resorts. They have a different outlook to the laid-back rovers of the past. Snap it, log it, blog it. We are all Flashpackers now, we cannot avoid the inevitable upward pressure of the digital world, no matter how much of hobo we try to be. I once sat next to a guy from Seattle escaping the American Dream by cruising down the Mekong in Laos. He proudly told me how he was trying to live on just one dollar a day. Mike was scruffy ... read more
Photo 6
Tokyo 2005 218
not a cop

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City September 30th 2008

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one footstep? Wrong! The journey starts long before the plane taxis down the runway with its doors crossed-checked and ready for take off. Long before the bag is packed, unpacked and repacked lighter. Long before the credit card details are carefully typed into a flimsy website promising a flight cheaper than anyone else. Long before maps are poured over, train times figured out or photos of palm trees and blue skies are longed after. Its starts with a plop of rain on ones head. A squeeze of a body in an already over-packed commuter train. Or, the end of a relationship. A year ago when my girlfriend turned round to me and said "Maybe we shouldn't be together" And I fought her every day to stay together, as ... read more

Europe » Bulgaria » Plovdiv Province » Plovdiv March 8th 1997

Last run of the day, fading light, a quick joint and then drop into untouched snow between dark green trees. Powder fizzes as your board cuts over it, and we were riding fast, snaking tight, blind corners through trees. Fizz- Turn - Swoosh - Cut - my stomach was up in my throat, gripped in concentration as me and Oli raced down the dense forest. Oli shot off to the left, i took a right hand swerve around a clump of trees. As I carved fast, i came up against a wall of tree trunks - Instantly my brain calculated i could not stop in time... CRACK! A moment of freeze-frame, the taste of blood in my mouth and i sank into snow up to my shoulders. Then silence. Then came the pain, deep in my ... read more

Europe » Bulgaria » Plovdiv Province » Plovdiv March 4th 1997

Heaven had no ski lifts. Heaven had no piste maps, queues or cafes. But Heaven did have a dull, groaning, grinding Bulgarian Army Tank. It was a roaring metal dragon that broke the silence of the dark green forest with its black smoke fumes and crunching tracks that clunked and bashed through the foot-deep snow. Perelik Mountain - March 1997 (part I - ) (part II - ) Heaven lies on the border of Bulgaria and Greece in the Rodopi mountain range, once a part of the Iron Curtain and a strategic point for the former communist countries. This is why there is an army base on the highest of the mountains, known as Golyam Perelik (2,191 m) with large guns pointing at the neighbours, Greece. These mountains have been worn away by the elements over ... read more
some snow
The Rodopis

Europe » Bulgaria » Plovdiv Province » Plovdiv March 3rd 1997

(part1 - ) The map arrived on a cold, dark, wet London morning in January. The map was a glowing ray of adventure and mystery on a cold, dark, wet London morning. An Adventure that would see me facing death in a cold, dark, snowy paradise. Bulgaria - March 1997 They say that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one small step, but that's not true - a journey starts long before a shoe is tied, before a bag is packed or a ticket booked. Travel starts in your head. When an idea grabs you and you know that you must go. When your everyday routine screams boredom at you and a cold, wet morning feels like a commute though a graveyard of dreams. When a map like that turns up, you know that ... read more

Europe » Bulgaria » Plovdiv Province » Plovdiv March 2nd 1997

The shiny, silver metal drill bit pushed against my right leg, pressing into the skin just below my knee, and the burly Bulgarian doctor turned his face to me and cheerfully said: 'Radio, Musica? Yes?' Bulgaria - March 1997 Looking around the room at the cracked paint, the box of tools of on the floor and its wide window with a view of the crisp blue sky and the tops of the dusty mountains, i was suprised to see a small radio next to me. 'Why not? OK.' i agreed. You dont argue with a man built like this guy, especially when he has a drill positioned against your shinbone and is ready to drill a hole through your leg. The nurse walked around and clicked on the tiny plastic brown box that was the radio. ... read more
town centre

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