Page 2 of redwatt Travel Blog Posts

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Caithness County March 18th 2023

Sorry I didn’t write this up yesterday - I was not in the right headspace. This morning we left Sandend - so sorry to leave, we’ve had the loveliest time. We set off with lovely plans for stopping enroute to Dunnet, but these did not eventuate. We had planned to stop off at a distillery as we were passing right by, but unfortunately they were unexpectedly closed. So we continued on to Glen Morangie, but they were open only for sales in the shop. We had planned to have lunch at the Morangie House Hotel, but contrary to their website, they were not open at all, until Sunday (Mothers Day). It was about this point that the Optus coverage ceased. It seems they cover the UK, just not the highlands of Scotland. So we drove on ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Banffshire March 16th 2023

Very sad, our last day exploring in Banffshire. We are pleased though that we did our outdoor things yesterday, our only 100% fine day We drove firstly through Glasshaugh where my 4 greats grandmother was born back in the 1700s, and then continued on to Fordyce. I was really hoping to see a wild deer over the stone wall, as Tom did the other day, but no such luck. We do still see pheasants by the sides of the roads and in paddocks. They have an “old Kirk” at Fordyce that has been turned into a bistro and I thought “great, we’ll dine in my ancestors old church” but then I read that it had been consecrated in 1804 and that’s too recent for my family! The old, old Kirk is my family’s Kirk - St ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Banffshire » Portsoy March 15th 2023

Well! What a difference a day makes - after our snowy day yesterday, today was quiet, calm and sunny! ‘Twas lovely. We decided to spend the morning doing the one activity that needed to be rain free, and spent the morning walking and driving the streets of Portsoy - the village where my dad’s grandad Davidson (who died in Sydney in 1954) was born, and where the various branches of our family lived 1792-1919. We found two of the streets they lived in and walked up and down them, as well as the main shopping street. We also found one of the houses, if they haven’t been been renumbered since 1895. Grandad Davidson became a baker here in Portsoy (his father was a Cooper in the fish curing business), before moving to Northumberland. We came across ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire March 14th 2023

This weather is just crazy. We were laying in bed planning our day after having our brekkie (lovely habit we’re in) exclaiming over the giant yellow thing in the sky shining radiance upon everything in the land … and then it was snowing. Then it was sunny …. Then it was snowing. We thought we’d venture out nice and early on Wednesday’s itinerary and drove as far as the turnoff to Keith, but the Yaris wasn’t so keen. It wanted to slide around on the snow, so we turned around to return and promptly passed the snow plough on his way to plough the road to Keith and throw salt on it. But return to our cottage we did, where we just relaxed until it was almost lunchtime, then set out again. We drove down the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Moray » Keith March 13th 2023

Och, we were soo hot overnight. It’s always these doonas they give you, with no sheets. Our cottage had warmed nicely with those mobile column heaters, including one upstairs in our bedroom, but we found it awfully hot. Tonight we will have a wee window open, and we took the heater downstairs to help warm that space. It rained most of the night and was still drizzling this morning so we swapped our plans for today and did Tuesday itinerary instead of Monday itinerary. Today we set off for Keith, driving through and around many localities that my paternal ancestors lived in. It’s lovely to view their homelands, and see where they came from. Our trip from here on is 90% about Alec’s ancestors. Alec always lived with my grandparents and five years ago when my ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Banffshire March 12th 2023

We woke really early this morning which was handy because today we left Rothbury and headed north, back into Scotland. We stopped off at a Morrison’s supermarket, our favourite, at Dalkeith, on the Edinburgh bypass, for some groceries and then continued, taking the long scenic way because we didn’t need to be at our accommodation till later in the afternoon. At Morrisons we bought a meal deal each where we got a choice of sandwich (which was really soft and fresh, and the roast beef was sooooo tender), a snack (I chose the millionaires shortbread, which is shortbread, caramel and chocolate) and a drink (we both chose Starbucks chilled coffee). We also stocked up on porridge, frozen curries, chips and cheese and crackers. The Sharwoods frozen curries are sooo good. They are for 1 but we ... read more

Our last day in Northumberland. Another wonderful day. No snow overnight but it’s still everywhere, even on people’s cars that didn’t move yesterday, and certainly still in the churchyard. Getting to the car was a little tricky because it was on a hill, and the snow left over from yesterday is no longer soft and puffy but cold, hard and slippery. First stop was St Mary the Virgin church at Longframlington where my 2xgreats grandmother was baptised in 1832. She was Ann Dunn, daughter of George Dunn who became the Tasmanian convict 8 years later, and mother of Adam Robinson who moved to Australia in 1912 to set up and bring his family out, but then WWI intervened and he fought in France for Australia, while his son in law (pop) fought in France for England. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Northumberland » Bamburgh March 10th 2023

Considering it is snowing outside, it’s incredible that we STILL have to take the doona out of the quilt cover and pile it in the corner! We even have those little top windows open to get fresh air. The owners specially left two extra space heaters and extra blankets here for us, but we don’t need them. When we headed out this morning our car was covered in snow. Really thickly. It was 10am, and 2 degrees. Tom cleared the snow off the windows and the rest of it eventually left us as we journeyed. What an amazing day! For those of you with itineraries, we didn’t follow it today. Because of the snow we’ve had to make adjustments, we start later in the day and lost yesterday, but today was a day of exploring some ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Northumberland » Rothbury March 10th 2023

Oops. Forgot to do the blog last night! Sorry about that. All our plans went out the window when we woke to find the village covered in snow. Over breakfast we reworked the day’s plans to exclude any journeys on small roads, as we figure the main roads would be safer. This showed up to be true as we saw where a head-on accident had just happened on our way out of town. We continued a little ways further but the car didn’t feel very secure in the slush. Tom was ever mindful that I may have to forgo some of my people’s villages if we don’t stick to my ultra-researched jam-packed itinerary, (we don’t plan to ever return to Britain) but I want to walk in their footsteps, not meet them in heaven. And I ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Northumberland » Rothbury March 8th 2023

Wow - what a day we had today! Mind you, we didn’t sleep too well on this heavenly mattress. It could’ve been something to do with the nightclub across the road disgorging its drunk patients at 2am. We had thought the freebie earplugs were cute - we were on the 5th floor! Anyway! Tom went off and got us a Scottish breakfast from the same Maccas he used to go to a few years back, last time we were in Edinburgh, about 2018 or 2019. They now offer everything in vegan and vegetarian as well as the usual. And they do porridge! It was awesome! After brekkie we wandered down the hill of the Royal Mile to Canongate Kirk, where Tom’s 3 greats grandparents were buried along with several other family members. It was easy enough ... read more

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