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Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 20th 2018

What is it that keeps us from falling in love? Is it just our initial judgment of looks? Maybe just a needed haircut or a couple fewer tattoos would have made a difference. Is it just a bad first impression? Perhaps it's just a little too loud or the crowds of people that seem to always be hanging around. Was it just too soon after a previous affair that you weren't quite over? Maybe you just couldn't stop comparing to that recent favored love. Was it just the season? Were you so burnt by the summer heat that you just couldn't motivate yourself to see beyond the obvious exterior characteristics? Perhaps it is was just bad timing. You just weren't ready to start a new relationship. Perhaps it is actually something within your own self. You ... read more
Acropolis- Athens, Greece
Roman Agora

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris August 18th 2018

There seem to be two types of people in the world. Ones that enjoy the comfort and security of an established routine and those that desire difference and change and are always seeking something unique. When choosing a restaurant, the former will always know a great restaurant with a favorite dish that they enjoy immensely every time they have it. The latter will always seek a different flavor or preparation from what they have chosen before. When picking a radio station, the former probably have their favorites set in memory. The latter pushes the seek button and only stops when they hear something that suits their current mood. I imagine these two types of people probably also pick travel destinations in the same way. Some love their tried and true spots and return as often as ... read more
Montmarte Sunset
Notre Dame Sunset

North America » United States » California » Mendocino July 21st 2018

Hidden between the fog of the Pacific Ocean and a vast swath of towering coastal redwood trees lies a magical landscape along the California coastline. A place where the bark of sea lions or bellow of fog horns is only muffled by the crash of waves against the majestic cliffs that jut violently from the crystal blue sea. A place of extraordinary beauty reached only after following the twisted byway that winds west from a scorching inland summer through dreamlike vineyards, colossal forests and oak-covered canyons towards the sea. While most of the country bakes in the humid blister of a summer heatwave this coastal dreamscape remains immersed in endless spring. Even on sun-filled afternoons of cloudless blue the cooling breezes of the vast sea drift inland to cool the headlands and tiny hamlets that dot ... read more
Schooner Gulch
Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
Point Arena Lighthouse

When it comes to feelings about the desert, there really is no indecision. You are either in or out. There is no in-between. Some see it as a wasteland, hot, arid and forbidding. Sand, sky and scrub. Certainly not worth visiting, much less living in. Others see it as everything they have ever dreamed of. A perfectly blank canvas where they can create any story their imagination can render. A vast landscape of endless opportunity whose only limit is one's own vision. The latter are the people who made Palm Springs. Utilizing what they had, the first visionaries took advantage of the hot dry air and natural thermal baths. Imagining cures for a host of conditions amongst the cactus, smoke trees and palms they built curative spas designed to give sufferers hope. People came from all ... read more
Caliente Tropic Hotel
Palm Springs
Pink Doors

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam April 19th 2018

I imagine travel for most people as a well-planned endeavor. Getting the most out of your cherished two weeks off from the daily drudgery is probably some of the most well thought out plans a person makes during the year. Weeks spent searching websites trying to find the perfect hotel, flight and entertainment usually follow months of reading dreamy destination brochures filled with glossy pictures of a glamorous life somewhere on a distant side of the globe. Some seek advice from a travel expert, often a lady behind a desk covered by brochures who seems to have been everywhere and tasted the buffets of every gleaming cruise ship that plies the seven seas. Some attempt to make life simpler by booking a prearranged trip that meets most or all of your travel dreams. Spending more time ... read more
Bongeunsa Temple- Seoul
Lotte Tower- Seoul
Cherry Blossoms- Seoul

Asia » Cambodia March 25th 2018

We arrived on the tarmac at Siem Reap airport just after dark on a warm, humid night much as we had 14 years before. It had been a quick flight from Hanoi. After 6 weeks in frozen China and a month in the pleasant temperatures of Vietnam, the heat shocked us. We and our fellow passengers quickly stripped off sweaters and coats that most had brought on the plane. While our arrival was much the same, it was quickly apparent that not much else was. Cambodia was not on most people's travel radar in 2004. The immigration area of the terminal was much smaller at the time. We vividly remembered the row of baggy-suited officers sitting in a row with grim faces who scrutinized our passports and begrudgingly passed them to the next equally rumpled staffer ... read more
Bayon Temple Sunset
Ta Prohm
Angkor Wat

Asia » Vietnam February 28th 2018

There are places we know we will return to. Like unfinished love affairs, they live in the corners of our mind, waiting to be rekindled. Over time the images move through our dreams, usually altered by time and further experiences. As we add distance the colors may become brighter, the smells more intense and the tastes more vibrant. We find these places returning to our conscience thought when we discuss travels or tell stories of our earlier life. We recall them with smiles on our faces and excitement in our voices. We realize we would like to have another opportunity to see if our memories match reality. Could actuality match the misty recollections we visualize in our thoughts? We traveled to Vietnam in 2004. We were younger and far less experienced travelers then. We moved faster, ... read more
Trang An Sunset
Hoi An
Halong Bay Sunset

Asia » China » Yunnan January 23rd 2018

Perhaps the essence of travel is discovering if your dreams are real. We conjure images of far-off locales based on what we read, hear or desire and spend a lot of time and effort searching to discover if the vision we see in our head can be matched by any form of reality. While most don't see past a warm sea, gentle breeze, swaying hammock and slightly bronzed skin, a few have more vivid visions of their own personal paradise. Some travelers have more advanced imaginations and maybe their travel palettes have a few more additional colors than the average housewife visiting Hawaii has. Throughout history, some of these 'destinations' have become legendary. Whether they actually existed or not, their descriptions have driven many an intrepid soul to follow their calling, no matter the cost or ... read more
Wu Mansion
Yulong Mountain- Lijiang

Asia » China January 4th 2018

Any traveller who has taken more than a few trips will develop a travel style. A typical pattern of behavior that leads to the greatest enjoyment of the area around them. Some will find the companionship and easy planning of group tours best suit their tastes. Some may find the adventure and self-sufficiency of independent travel more to their liking. Solo travels to exotic locations fit the desires of a few intrepid souls. The frugal life of a backpacker surrounded by thatched walls may be the calling of for some. Life on a luxury cruise ship or in ritzy hotels may make up another voyagers dreams. As happens in all areas of one's life, other people are going to judge you. You will be ranked according to the travel choices you make and the way they ... read more
Hong Bridge
Hallelujah Mountain
Fenghuang Sunrise

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon December 13th 2017

For the second time in a month, we found ourselves in Shanghai's massive Pudong airport. Last time we were headed back to the U.S. and booked a nearby hotel to spend our long layover in. Stretching out for a few hours in a comfortable bed and having a relaxed meal is a rare luxury that we enjoyed when we had the chance. This time we were going in the opposite direction and had already spent a long day of travel from San Francisco. Our stopover this time was 3 hours. Long enough to be uncomfortable but not long enough to leave the airport. We still had a couple of hours more to fly and we really missed the opportunity to relax in the comfort of a hotel. The excitement of getting to our destination didn't deter ... read more
Victoria Harbor
Hong Kong Central
Temple Street Night Market

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