Page 44 of lexispence10 Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai May 31st 2012

I hung out at the Zurich airport, just reading and trying not to sleep. It was a nice airport (I like the way you arrive on one level and depart on another), but it was also a little loud. So I wanted to be sure I heard my flight called. I really didn't even hear it even though I was sitting at the gate waiting. I also tried to not sleep because I figured, again, that would allow me to sleep on the flight. I got the same exact seat, but this time no one was next to me, so while I could quite spread out as the armrest did not go all the way up, I felt much more comfortable. I wound up watching more movies again - lots of new stuff, so that was ... read more
hummus and bread - yum!

North America » United States » New York » Rochester May 30th 2012

Since my brother-in-law was away on business, I spent the last two nights on American soil sleeping on my sister's couch. She had to get to work very early every day, before daycare opened, so I was to take the Emster to his sitter's at 7:30. Apparently, Emry picked this time to have trouble sleeping. The first night he woke at 4am, and I was able to put him back down til 5am, when I did the same until he woke up for good (and in a cute mood) at 6 am. I figured, at some point I would get some sleep but Dana needed it to function at work. He did the same thing the following night, waking up at 2am and going to sleep with his mommy until she had to get up. The ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Geneva May 29th 2012

I have been spending the last few days relaxing (sorta) at home with my family. I thought I would be sleeping the whole time, and in fact I had hoped to, but I do feel well rested, even on just a few hours of sleep a night. I took it pretty easy on Sunday, which was nice. Monday, Memorial Day, my Jersey cousins came to spend the day after having competed in a race in Ottawa. It was good to see so many before I take off; we tend to be able to get together at least once a year for some family time. This year has been more than usual, but their kids are so great. Lucy (my parents' Westie) has been following me around the whole time; I think she knows I am leaving ... read more
The clan

North America » United States » New York » Geneva May 27th 2012

My last week consisted of lots of goodbyes. I had lunch with some Fugroians at Victoria Pub on Monday, where some gave me advice on my new adventure, followed by cheesecake that afternoon. Malibu gave hosted an incredible luncheon - I believe Marianne made most of it, with other people contributing, like Patricia and Steve. Delicious chicken wings, and chicken with roasted vegetables to put on large sandwich rolls with hummus or ricotta spreads. Also some coucous and quinoa salads - Marianne said she wanted me to get a feel for what I might be eating; if it's that good there, I won't lose the weight that I'm expecting to!!! I had sushi with Pete on Monday, followed by bowling with him and Mike. Tuesday night was a final drink with Reina and Juan, and then ... read more
Gwosh and Bot
Renaissance Hotel

North America » United States » California » Ventura May 23rd 2012

Today is the first day that I do not have to go into work! However, I have plenty of work at home to do - I need to pack, clean, sell, and give away everything. Need to end my bill payments. Arrange some leftover possessions with my roommate. Go to the bank. Buy some clothes. And yes - finish some work. I was able to sell the Botmobile - her new parents are soon-to-be parents, Sharnell and Chris, so I know she'll be in great hands! I am also now on an air mattress for the next few days as I sold my beautiful Queen sized bed. Today's entry will be another short one, where I will test my abilities to add a photo... Let's hope it works!... read more

North America » United States » California » Ventura May 20th 2012

Very early Saturday morning, I had my first garage sale. Let me just say: Without Lauren, I probably would have gone nuts. She came over briefly the night before with sustenance and preparations. I thought I would be ok - since Fugro first told me they would be potentially sending me away for two years, I had been mentally prepared - making plans for what I wanted to keep, store, take and toss. I even bought little colored stickers! But man, I was scrounging the night before. At 5:30 am I woke up to open the garage, and Lauren was there with coffee at 5:45. We pulled everything out and it soon began. My dresser, coffee table and a shelf were the first to go, giving me $60 to start. Lauren was able to flag down ... read more

North America » United States » California » Ventura May 8th 2012

Just writing to say that my feelings change everyday. One moment I am so excited I can't wait to go! The other, I'm extremely nervous - mostly about the job. I'm very excited and ready to go and try something new. Things are starting to come together here, with work and packing. A lot of people are interested in some of my stuff - many friends are getting married or moving in together, so need some little things and I'm more than happy to help out. It even looks like I have multiple interests in my car!!! I will miss my baby, the Botmobile, but I will feel good knowing she is in good, friendly hands.... read more

North America » United States » California » Ventura May 6th 2012

This is my first entry on my international field assignment to DUBAI! I figure I can get the quirks out before I leave. I honestly cannot believe this is actually happening. I've been told since February that I would be going somewhere - first it was Calgary, then Panama (which I was devastated didn't work out) and finally Dubai, for two years. First, let me say that I feel a little guilty at how neglectful I've been - I've been so focused and consumed with even just the idea of leaving that I have had little time for much else. I haven't called my family as much as I would like, but we did see a lot of each other this past year, and I know they understand. I will definitely miss my family - it's ... read more

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