Page 2 of davidjean1971 Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone January 25th 2024

Today was sunny at last, but still chilly. We aimed for Whitewater Draw, an area where thousands of sandhill cranes have been gathering since the late 60s in their migration to Nebraska and parts north. They leave the wetlands for the fields at day break and return around noon, so we knew we didn’t need to rush there. Still, it was going to be a two hour drive…. So we stopped in famous Tombstone for a looksee. My oh my it was so commercial, but would indeed have needed an hour to do it all. Our aim was the 25 min historical overview at 10, but we are out of season and it wouldn’t start till noon. So we bought a ticket to see the OK corral anyway – where metal cut out figures of Wyatt ... read more
OK Coral
Cranes coming in for landing
Cranes flying for a rest

North America » United States » Arizona » Green Valley January 24th 2024

Today was dry. Yeah. We said good morning to a passel of 10 Gambrel Quail in our garden, and then we were off to Patagonia, a community very near the border with Mexico, along the Sonoita Creek. Paton’s Hummingbird Center is there, and that was our first stop. BTW, Tucson is about 2300’ elevation, Patagonia is 4000 (and Madera Canyon about 5000 the other day). Elevation really affects the varieties. Actually there are only 2 types of hummers here now, the tiny broadbill and the violet-crowned Hummingbiards. Staff had taken down all the seed feeders (!) because of increasing avian flu, but there were still birds in the pecan trees and shrubs. We learned about the symbiotic relationship between the Gila woodpeckers and Ladder-backed woodpeckers with the pine siskins. The woodpeckers broke open the pecan pods, ... read more
Looking for the Red-naped Sapsucker!

North America January 23rd 2024

Who knew that Arizona could be so wet and cold? We flew into Phoenix on Thursday January 18th, as the national board meeting for Lutheran Marriage Encounter started that evening. But first…. After renting the car (a very low slung Corolla) we drove to Mesa for lunch at a Chihuahuan Mexican restaurant we’d seen described on 3Ds show. We passed on the trip and cow cheek tacos, but the calabazas tacos were amazing, David’s 2 varieties of pork and another very yummy, and the street corn the best we’ve ever had (haven’t had many, admittedly). Then drove maybe another 20 mins to the Gilbert Riparian Reserve, where we observed just under 40 species of birds. It was lovely weather, sunny, and in fact too hot for me in my jeans and long sleeved turtleneck. We had ... read more
NAR meeting photo Jan 20th 2024

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls October 26th 2023

Let's just say we are glad we don't live anywhere near Toronto because of the traffic. We arrived here in Niagara Falls by 4. Had dinner with Ted & Jane Guthrie and Keith & Pauline Mueller in prep for tomorrow's Marriage Encounter. The weather was lovely - like 70 - so we walked down to the Falls after dinner. Hence these photos. This is probably the end of this blog. We will be WAY too busy with the M.E. event, having blessings heaped on us and, we pray, 11 couples, 2 anniversary couples, and the other 3 presenting couples. Back home on Sunday night.... read more
Falls 2

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa October 25th 2023

Rumor has it that today’s steps numbered 16500 (David did more, going up and down to the car just now). Boy, my tootsies need a rest. So we left Brigitte’s lovely little ski place around 9 am (oh yes, he did climbing up and down those steps more than I did too – but then he’s a golfer and is used to it!). We headed to Lac Simon, half way to Ottawa, as that was touted as a birding site. It was drizzling when we arrived, but the walk was sheltered in large pines and oaks. Just saw some hooded mergansers (everything looks quite different out of breeding colors, but it was an amazing place – obviously a very popular camping place. The end of the lake, as with so many in Quebec, is sandy, with ... read more
02 camp beach
02 keeping dry
02 the camp

North America » Canada » Quebec » Mont Tremblant October 24th 2023

October 24, Tuesday Today was a lots of walking and exploring day – chilly, like 50, but sunny for much of the day. NO RAIN, that’s really all that matters. We enjoyed a lie in – the bed is very comfortable! Till about 7:30 ish, and were off on a 4.5 mile walk. Both coats, hat and gloves were needed to start with, much less to end! It was probably a mile too long, but at least there was only about 450’ change in elevation. It mostly followed the river, which was nice. LOTS of mountain bike trails off to the sides, but we sedately followed the biking, walking, cross country trail. When it’s snowing, this entire place must be hopping indeed. There’s much more to do than ski, obviously. Only a few chickadees and a ... read more
1 early walk
1 mamma deer and babe
1 On our walk

North America » Canada » Quebec » Mont Tremblant October 23rd 2023

We were away from our lovely spacious Montreal flat by 8:15, fortunately heading away from the main flow of traffic. Within 30 mins we were out of the city and into the calmer countryside. As we drove northwest towards the national park, we realized that we were indeed late for the leaves, but the tamaracks were still brilliant. Kent Ohio has some of these artic wonders – deciduous but with needles. A local told us that the recent rains and winds made everything fall a bit early. Once at the park we dutifully paid our entrance, even though no one was there. The roads were sometimes paved, sometimes not, but were a lot better than the state parks in upper Michigan where we go looking for petosky stones. We were soon rewarded by seeing a Rough ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal October 22nd 2023

Another long day of adventures in French-speaking Montreal. We didn’t rush to awake, which made for a lovely lie-in. We walked the 3 blocks to the closest Metro station, Cadillac, and figured out how to ask for 2 day passes, and which line and platform and even negotiated the change of lines half way in. We were about 8 stops to the east of where we wanted to go in the Old Town, also called the Old Port, full of cobble-stoned streets and shops that didn’t look very busy. The Basilica was busy with morning mass until 12:30. A kindly lady saw us reading our maps, asked where we wanted to go and gave us a hint. We walked past the Basilica and just wandered a few circles in the Old Town until it was after ... read more
1 Snooty Englishman
1 Snooty Frenchwoman
1 Square opp Basilica

North America » Canada » Quebec » Québec City October 21st 2023

Boy, there’s no rest for the wicked OR the weary in this house. The bed was very comfy but David awoke naturally at 6 instead of 7’s alarm, so up and at ‘em we were, having breakfast before driving the expected 3 hours to Quebec City. Why? Because it’s due to rain in Montreal all day, but less so in Q.C., and more there on Sunday. So the GPS took us south out of the city across the St. Lawrence thru a tunnel. LOTS of road construction but eventually we were driving in the countryside. Actually this southern route highway was probably a new road, usually paralleling existing roads between small towns. This highway is now full of industry and buildings, but we still saw lots of farms and one field of giant Charleroi cattle. By ... read more
2 Looking from Cablecar
3 Colors at the Falls
3 Montmorency Falls 80M

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal October 20th 2023

Nous sommes ici, enfin. It's been on the bucket list for a long time - to drive northeast in the fall to see the colors. So when we agreed to help present a Marriage Encounter in Niagara Falls Canada, we also decided to spend a week wandering. Last night, after an 8 hour or so drive from Kent OH, we arrived at the home of Ted & Jane Guthrie in Brockville Ontario. We enjoyed a lovely ribs dinner, and then Zoomed to participate in a Bible study. We were pretty beat when we climbed into bed, after all the driving. And I do mean climbed, as the guest bed is set up high so storage is beneath. Still, it was an honor to sleep under two gorgeous homemade quilts Jane has made. Jane always participates in ... read more
1 St Joseph Oratory in Montreal atop a hill
1 St Joseph Oratory
2 St Joseph Oratory inside

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