Page 4 of Sunnyskate Travel Blog Posts

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh July 5th 2011

Today I when I woke up, I went down for a breakfast of juice, cereal and toast (with yummy jams and nutella!) for 1.90E. I proceeded to the free walking tour of Edinburgh. The duration is about 3 hours or so. I’m attracted to the charm of the city! I love the old buildings and the stories our tour guide provided us with. We saw the Elephant Café for those of you Harry Potter fans. Also saw the burial site of Thomas Riddle and the school JK Rowling could see as she wrote Harry Potter…Hogwarts much? We saw the unofficial Cathedral (unofficial because it doesn’t have a bishop) as well as the church in the cemetery and I’m going to have to get back to my brain on this one but there was something to do ... read more
Edinburgh Castle at night
Trick Step
Back of Elephant House

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh July 4th 2011

Ok that took a while to figure out what region of Scotland I'm in. The maps kept telling me Edinburgh. Yes, I know I'm in Edinburgh, but please, less specific. No, it's not the name of the region. I know that. I'm all good now. It's under Midlothian in the blog. Whew! I can't find my cities unless I know the regions! I'm learning things! So on the way to the hostel here in Edinburgh, it definitely took me about 2/3-3/4 of the bus ride to realize that we were definitely driving down the left side of the road. What surprised me was not that we were driving down the L side, but that it took me 20mins to realize it. Been a long couple of weeks. So anyway, this morning I got myself up a ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris July 3rd 2011

I'm staying just a stone's throw from the Eiffel Tower. I haven't had internet on my computer and I've been using a European keyboard, so I decided not to do any grand postings just yet. I definitely do have to catch up because we had the most perfect last day in Rome complete with an Italian meal in a little Roman restaurant referred to us by someone who waited tables in the touristy area of the Piazza where the Chariots used to race. It was a great meal. We actually had great meals almost every time we ate in Italia!! I ... read more
Notre Dame
View of Paris
Eiffel Tower

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome June 30th 2011

Have to make this kind of short because it’s really late. It’s also going to be short because as Faye and I were discussing, how do you blog about the Vatican? It’s pretty much that amazing that I don’t have words to describe it. We started our day off a little earlier than usual and headed straight for the Vatican. We intended to go to the Sistine Chapel first, but ended up walking into the square and to the Basilica. We weren’t sure which was to the Cappello…of course had I looked at my handy dandy map, I could have figured that out a little bit more easily. Esta bien. We made it to both. Probably better idea to do in reverse order but no pasa nada. So I can now say I’ve been to the ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome June 29th 2011

Today is the Feast of St. Peter & Paul and as a holiday, many shops around the area were closed…made it feel like a Sunday. However, everything touristy (minus the Vatican) were open so it didn’t affect us too much. Today really only consisted of three things: Coliseum, Roman Forum & dinner. ALL = AMAZING. Pretty much don’t have words. Can’t even figure out how the Romans built such structures. Or how they’re still standing. Some of them anyway. The Forum was like a garden of marble. I again am without words. Sorry, Italica, as impressively awesome as you are, you barely hold a candle to the Roman Coliseum! I think I’ll post pictures…I took 450 today… And Faye wonders why they let thousands pass through daily. Hmmmm…Jake says, “It’s just that durable.” It is curious ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome June 28th 2011

So we woke up on the earlier side in Florence today, ready to take on the world. The heat ended up getting the best of us and so did the long lines, but we’re troopers and pushed forward. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve been this hot the entire trip. The forecast said 91 but it was hotter than that. Tomorrow’s supposed to be 94. PLUS being between buildings makes it that much hotter. I’m in Rome at the moment and it definitely supposed to be around 84 tomorrow which I will ... read more
Church in Florence
Church in Florence

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence June 27th 2011

Ok, have to make this quick since it’s late, we’ve had a LONG day and we have a long day tomorrow as well. So for starters, we woke up in Milan pretty early and booked it for the train station, bought an awesomely cheap ticket to Venice and headed on our way. Last night we discussed the possibilities with the guy at the hostel/hotel desk. Funny enough, he preferred to speak to us in Spanish because he speaks little English and I only speak a very little bit of Italian…so seeing as we both spoke a fair amount of Spanish, Spanish it was! Yay! Who woulda thought in Italy… So anyway, it was a 3-3.5 hour ride (like I said, it was the cheap train) to Venice. We arrived around 10:30 and checked our luggage into ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 26th 2011

When we arrived at the Plaza where the D’Uomo is, Mass was being said, so I can say I went to Mass. Well, part of it. It was pretty amazing how many people were there. You could actually hear Mass echoing throughout the streets of the central area. I wonder if they have that big a Mass every week! Needless to say, we couldn’t actually sight see right away… soooo we headed off in search of the Last Supper. We found it. Kind of. Except the tickets are sold out til Fri so needless to say we didn’t actually SEE it. Oh well! We tried! We decided to encounter the Castle before heading back to the D’Uomo. We didn’t actually go into any of the museums, but walked through the park beyond it to an arch…forgot ... read more
Hey Mom, I was going to buy you a new clock for the kitchen...
Church with Last Supper
Inside D'Uomo

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 25th 2011

I enjoyed staying at Malpensa Garden Bed and Breakfast and the owners were super nice. They actually, with the two guests who arrived last night, helped me figure out what I needed to know when I got into the city this am which made life a bit easier…who am I kidding, a LOT easier. Bruno even had me put the google maps street view up so he could tell me which direction to leave the metro. Phew! I ended up getting up an hour later than I would have had to otherwise. The other two guests last night were a couple of guys who spoke some English. I could understand some of what they were saying in Italian, but that only gets one so far so I was glad to have some English conversation. Ok so ... read more
Bernina Express

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan June 24th 2011

So I thought I was going to meet up with someone and try to get to Montjuic, but after I made it through the post office, I just couldn’t walk that far and by that point didn’t want to take the time to hop on the cable car thing that takes you across some odd hundred feet in the air. Rewind to the post office. I was proud of myself for successfully sending the package because a. I didn’t bring a return address with me and had to remember my Sevilla one from memory (which I think might be the first time I actually remembered it), b. I had to buy a box (caja…see, now I can remember…at least I think that’s what it is) and I had to fill out all the paperwork and such ... read more
Malpensa B&B
Malpensa B&B

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