Page 13 of RJT Travel Blog Posts

We are now in the lovely city of Quetzaltenango, which is called by Xela (pronounced shay-la) by everyone. Which is handy, as it´s also a lot easier than saying Quetzaltenango! I thought we were lucky to arrive, as we decided to take the infamous chicken bus, which was as perilous as promised. The first section was from Chichi to Los Encuentros, where we had to change bus. As we hurtled through the narrow mountainous roads, with a wannabe Michael Schumacher at the wheel, I was genuinely terrified. I still have no idea how the bus managed to stay on the road. There may have been some beautiful scenery but I couldn´t open my eyes to see it! When we changed buses at Los Encuentros the driving style didn´t change much, however the roads were flatter, so ... read more
In the market
Hiking in Xela
View of the city

We have had a full day in Chichi and it was fantastic. Lucy and I wandered around the streets and in the plaza for a while this morning. There is a lot of activity - music playing continuously, lots of locals wandering around in traditional clothing, there were traditional dances in the most amazing and elaborate costumes, processions through town carrying these huge statues - really incredible. We seemed to have been in the right spot every time. The markets have everything you could imagine in them, shoes, clothes, fruit,ceremonial masks children´s toys and even dried fish! Lucy and I were starting to head back to the hotel, when amongst the crowd we spotted Jack, who was asking for directions. He arrived in Guat. City late last night and caught the chicken bus to Chichi today. ... read more
The cemetery
More in the cemetery
Women selling local cloth

At last! We finally made it. It felt like a very long time. We had a great flight to LA, and had several hours there, so took the bus to Santa Monica. It was incrediby cheap - normally only 75c but we didn´t have the right change, so the driver let us on for free!. We had a really lovely day there, quite cool, but not raining luckily. We wandered around Santa Monica, and then walked up to Venice Beach, stopping for lunch at a great little cafe, Urth. We´ll go back there on our way home. It was really nice to stretch our legs for a while. The best thing I saw all day though was a homeless man begging, with this sign - ¨I won´t lie to you - I need a beer¨. We ... read more
The procession
It's a multi tasking man
Dancing in the square

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland December 14th 2007

Okay I am cheating. I am not in Guatemala. Yet! But I've just set up this travelblog and so consider this a test. But the plan is that we travel around 40 hours or so (sounds horrendous) and get to Chichicastenango on Thursday 20 December, in time for la Fiesta de Santo Tomas on Friday. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought it would be a good idea to go straight to this festival - clearly I hadn't thought it through properly, as after the flight to LA (13 hours stop over) then the flight to Miami (five hours stop over) then the flight to Guatemala City, we then have to drive approx. 3 hours to Chichi! It better be worth it. Anyhow - the rough plan is to start there, have Christmas ... read more

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