Page 4 of DaveandIssy Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Kalymnos September 9th 2023

Issy seems to be improving by the day, and I think cabin fever may well now have overtaken COVID as the biggest threat to her sanity, if not her health. The Rembrandts will apparently be spending the day “painting from a taverna on a stunning fjord” at Vathy on the other side of the island. We’re probably still too contagious to risk sitting in a bus with them, but I’m sure they‘ll produce some suitably realistic artwork to show us where they’ve been. It’s quite nice sitting up here on our balcony, or it would be if it wasn’t for the smell. It seems that the sewer at the hotel next door’s blocked, and a truck’s turned up to try to clear it out. Sewer problems are apparently almost a way of life in Greece. We ... read more
Masouri Beach
Pothia waterfront

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Kalymnos September 8th 2023

So here we both are, stuck in COVID isolation in our hotel suite. Issy’s thankfully feeling a bit better today, but not really well enough to go anywhere. And anyway, I think she still needs to be avoiding crowds for a day or so yet, and then only with a mask for a few days after that. So what to write about when by far the most exciting event for the day was a thrilling trip to the supermarket, with mask on of course, to stock up on a few essential supplies. Actually that wasn’t the day’s most exciting event, but more about that later. My throng of faithful subscribers, all five of you, will be pleased to know that in order to fill in a few hours I’ve formulated a new law. Some other bored ... read more
The hotel bar
The COVID isolation balcony

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Kalymnos September 7th 2023

Issy wasn’t at all well for most of yesterday and she’s woken up feeling just as bad if not worse, which sucks for her. A cold‘s been circulating through the group, and it looks like it’s made its way through to my beloved. Her face and throat hurt, so she thinks she‘s also got sinusitis or tonsillitis. We’d heard that you could get antibiotics over the counter in Greece, but the hotel receptionist tells us that they shut off that little loophole a few years back. So it looks like we’re off to the island’s hospital. We saw this in the dark on the way here the other night, and were told that the Italians built it when they occupied Kalymnos during the Second World War. I hope someone‘s got around to updating it at some ... read more

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Kalymnos September 6th 2023

We awake to see our surroundings in daylight for the first time. The spectacular soaring rocky peak of the small island of Telendos is only a few hundred metres offshore. I opt for a lazy morning while Issy joins the rest of the Rembrandts for an art session at a bar a few hundred metres down the road. … well I thought that’s what she said, but I was half asleep when she left. An art session in a bar? Hmmm. Issy and I have been allocated the hotel’s penthouse. It’s about twice the size of all the other rooms, and it’s got a massive balcony, and a jacuzzi. Our fearless leader Diana booked the whole hotel out about a year ago. She told us she had to put someone in the penthouse and we just ... read more
Masouri Beach
Masouri Beach

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Kalymnos September 5th 2023

We’re on the move again today, this time to the island of Kalymnos, which is about a five hour ferry ride north-east of Astypalea. It feels like we’re on a real Greek ferry. It’s small, some might say cosy, and makes the Blue Star monsters we’ve been on to date look like cruise ships by comparison. Issy and boats have sometimes not been a good mix. But it’s OK, there’s a small cafe on board. My beloved’s led me to understand that ginger is a good remedy for seasickness, so no great surprise that she asks me if I could buy her some ginger beer. The man behind the counter doesn’t speak a lot of English, but enough to respond that he doesn’t have any of that, but lots of Heineken and Mythos. I’m not entirely ... read more
Ship leaving Kos, with Turkey in the background
Nerantzia Castle, Kos

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Astypalea September 4th 2023

Issy and I opt for a rest day. No rest however for most of the Rembrandts; they head five kilometres or so along the steep and winding road around the bay to Paralia Agios Konstantinos. They’re taking the sensible approach; they’ve chartered a fleet of taxis for the trip. Most of them already think I’m a bit unhinged, so I think it might be better if I don't let it slip that I walked there a couple of days ago. We stir from our slumbers in the late afternoon just in time for another session of show and tell. Actually it was probably just me who stirred from a slumber … I don’t think there’s any chance that Issy nodded off; she’s been way too nervous at the prospect of showing off her masterpieces to the ... read more

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Astypalea September 3rd 2023

Today we’re catching a bus to the small seaside village of Maltezana which is about ten kilometres east of Livadi just past the so-called Narrows of Astypalea. Our fearless leader Diana tells us that the name comes from a Maltese connection, and Issy suddenly gets very excited. This subsides quite quickly however when it’s revealed that the connection is that Maltese pirates used to use the bay as a hideout as they went about looting and pillaging the island. We heard similar stories in Naxos last year, and I remember thinking at the time that Issy’s Maltese relatives had been strangely silent on that particular aspect of their island’s history. It’s a bit windy here, but there are a couple of respectable looking beaches with sunlounges and beach umbrellas. It looks like it’s a serious fishing ... read more
The artist at work, Maltezana

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Astypalea September 2nd 2023

It seems the local transport mafia mightn’t be in need of help from their Sicilian associates after all. Our rude, creepy, ripping us off, and just plain not good at his job bus driver apparently decided overnight that he needed our custom after all. So what did he do? Well it seems he made a late night visit to our fearless leader Diana’s hotel room. She struggled to find a knife before answering the knock at the door in her PJs. But no, he wasn’t there to dispense some mafia-style justice. There were apparently lots of excuses made about language related misunderstandings, which wasn’t really washing with Diana - she's lived here for thirty years and speaks fluent Greek. Next up were some creepy unreciprocated hugs, and he then disappeared back off into the night again, ... read more
Chora and the Castle
The Rembrandts hard at work
Chora and the Castle

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Astypalea September 1st 2023

Today we’ll be heading out on the water with a boat trip to some nearby islands. But first we have to run the gauntlet of the local transport mafia. Our fearless leader Diana’s been chartering a bus to get us around, but it seems all is not well with that arrangement. The bus driver is rude, creepy and a terrible driver, and it seems he’s also doing his best to rip us off. Diana wants to ditch him, but that’s easier said than done. We need him to take us and our several tons of luggage back to the port when we finally come to leave, so just telling him to go forth and multiply would not seem to be a particularly good strategy. Anyway, today we’re travelling to the port in taxis, five of them, ... read more
Kounoupa Island
Kounoupa Island
Kounoupa Island

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Astypalea August 31st 2023

I join a select few of the Rembrandts for a short bus ride up the hill where they’ll be spending the morning drawing windmills. It seems the pull of the beach has been a bit stronger than the pull of the paintbrush for the rest of the crew; they’ve all opted to stay put down in Livadi. The remnants of eight windmills are still sitting up here on the ridge below the Castle. I read that they’re believed to have been built in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the locals apparently used to bring their grain up here to have it milled into flour. They look almost identical to the mills on the ridge above Chora in Amorgos. The ones here in Astypalea were apparently able to spin horizontally to suit the wind direction; I ... read more
Astypalea port

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