Page 2 of D MJ Binkley Travel Blog Posts

After a thoroughly enjoyable time on Nevis with our friends, we packed it up and headed out to take the Sea Bridge ferry back to St. Kitts to finish our time in these small islands. This ferry leaves Nevis at 7am, Noon and 5pm. We didn’t want to take a chance of missing it after our adventure a few days before on St. Kitts, so we arrived early. As a matter of fact, we drove over to the dock the afternoon before to make sure we could find it as we had arrived in the black of night a couple of days earlier. Signage is greatly, it actually does not exist so we made a test run. Arriving one hour early the next morning and first in line, we waited eagerly for this ferry ride ... read more
Landing Craft Medium
Scenic St. Kitts
View from our hotel

There are some travel journeys that are seemingly straight forward, but take unforeseen turns, only to eventually work out just fine. Our travel to the lovely island of Nevis was exactly that. Living in Florida, the three-hour journey to the Miami Airport and the flight to St. Kitts were essentially uncomplicated, then the unexpected happened. Let us back up just a little. We had originally booked a nice home to share with our friends Sylvia and Kevin (from the Travelers Century Club) on Nevis back in early July. Normally, you hear from the owners closer to your arrival date with the details about where the home is located and check in information. When Dave did not hear from the host even after messaging him, he placed a call to the owner, only to be told that ... read more
Colorful flora
One of the few beaches on this tiny island
The gang

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago November 17th 2023

Downtown Chicago may surprise you as much as it did us as it is an architectural wonder on one of our five Great Lakes. The confluence of Lake Michigan and the Chicago River ensures this world class city as an important cargo route. These waterways are surrounded by modern skyscrapers, well planned boardwalks and parks which lend this city to be extremely attractive and walkable. The public transportation makes it easy to visit from many of the suburbs. Nearby Union Station has amazing architecture, excellent signage as well several shops, restaurants, and vending machines. Chicago is known as “The Windy City” and many think it is due to the wicked cold winds coming off Lake Michigan…. There are some summer days that feel cold, but winter can be unbearable with the changing microclimates. In reality --it ... read more
The City Streets of Chicago
#12  Ayo Dosunmu
Flying into Chicago

North America » United States » Illinois » Aurora October 22nd 2023

For about the past six months, we’ve been living and working in Aurora, the second largest city in Illinois, just 35 miles west of Chicago. When most people think of Chicago, they think of the United States' fourth largest city with about 3 million inhabitants. Toss in the total number of people that live in the suburbs and that total swells to about 10 million. We are going to save all that for the next blog and spend our time here describing some of the unique and cool things we did outside of this area. We’ve managed to do a lot of exploring and certainly do not want to provide a blow-by-blow of every weekend, but did want to talk about some of the highlights. If you are in the area visiting and venture away from ... read more
The Red Covered Bridge
Colorful Illinois Countryside

North America » United States » Illinois » Aurora October 7th 2023

"Baseball is like church. Many attend… but few understand." - Leo Ernest Durocher As the fall air approaches us here in northern Illinois, the days grow shorter, the air is cooler and the leaves are just hinting about changing colors. With that, the baseball season is coming to a close. The major leagues have a few weeks left, but for the majority of the minor leagues, the season is over, the stands sit empty and all that’s left are memories of the season concluded. Dave is working one last contract and we’re staying in a smallish city about 25 miles west/southwest of the city with big shoulders, Chicago. We arrived in early May and will be here until November. We knew there was a lot do given our location, but we were pleasantly surprised to learn ... read more
Batter up!
Rooting for those Chicago Dogs!
Rail Cats mascot in Gary, Indiana

We don't want to confuse anyone.... we returned from Panama about two months ago and are behind on publishing this missive. In the beginning, we really did not intend to go to Panama, and we bet that sounds funny. After all, when you are planning your trip, you are busy gathering all the information about where you are going and what you hope to do while you are there. When we were booking our flights to South America on Copa Airlines (which is not a great airline), we discovered Panama City was a hub and they would allow you to stop for up to a week (in Panama, not the airport) without additional cost. Kind of the same deal when you fly Icelandic Air and can stay in Iceland for a while before proceeding to Europe ... read more
Old Town Panama City
Wonderful fresh fish
Monkey Island

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most receptive to change. Charles Darwin After visiting the Galapagos one imagines Darwin was thinking about the iguinas when he made the above quote. The marine iguanas are interesting creatures to observe. We read the beauty of the Galapagos can’t be explained it must be experienced and we found that to be true. These marvelously blackish reptiles are a quintessential example of adaptation. This final post from the Galapagos will finish up our time on the yacht and the two days we spent at a resort. After all, when you've spent some time working hard at observing some fantastic wildlife, you just might need a night or two of luxury at a resort. If you missed our first two ... read more
Flamingo pair
Papallacta Hot Spring
Babies in the Sanctuary

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island February 27th 2023

Traveling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. Ibn Battuta On the oft chance you missed our previous's the link. Join us for part two of the Galapagos adventure. Life on a Galápagos cruise offers a great deal of variety. Most of our week was spent taking zodiacs to rather desserted islands for hiking or wandering while observing, enjoying and stalking animals or doing a zodiac coastal exploration of rock formations where the birds, iguanas, and other wildlife enjoyed congregating. It never ceased to amaze us how the animals didn't seem to mind if we came up close. They weren't posing or anything, but there was a sense they had no fear from these weird beings dressed somewhat oddly and so eager to take their photo. Perhaps they simply decided we ... read more
Blue Footed Boobie
Land based iguana
Grapsus grapsus....crab of the Galápagos

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island February 25th 2023

Wow! ….the Journey begins…. The big blue marble we live on contains a plethora of incredible and unique places to visit. Whether it is the topography, the natural wonders, the flora or the fauna, our earth never seems to disappoint. Scientists love to research and speculate how our planet became the way it is in the present day. Of the many places to visit, the Galápagos Islands is an absolute must for those searching for a truly mesmerizing look at species not seen elsewhere. The mention of the Galápagos also brings forward one of the more interesting scientists of the last few centuries…a chap named Darwin. His five-year journey on the HMS Beagle resulted in basically throwing the scientific world on its ear a few decades later when he published the famous “On the Origin of ... read more
Wandering North Seymour Island
Follow the Trail
Brilliant Reflections

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito February 24th 2023

We were excited to arrive in Quito, Ecuador as this is the location where our friend and travel companion would join us. Serious excitement as we were getting the band back together! Past exploits placed us in Jordan, Egypt, Portugal, California, and Florida. We travel very well together and had been planning this one for nearly a year. And now the time had arrived…. On the evening we arrived we noticed the streets were crowded and lots of celebrations were going on. We hadn’t realized we were in the middle of Carnival when we arrived. After dinner we took a short walk to observe some of the parades, dancing and celebrations. All of the locals were having a great time. During Carnival they used to throw water on one another. Over time they realized this was ... read more
Middle of the World
Shrimp Ceviche
Brendan, MJ & Dave

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