Colours Of Kathmandu

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October 28th 2010
Published: October 28th 2010
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After our little (mis)adventure in Tibet, we were pretty sure that we were going to cut the trip a month short. I overturned this decision only about an hour after crossing the land border at Kodari. I was still feeling pretty rubbish, but as I turned my head, I noticed a giant black butterfly fly only a few metres in front of me. Corny I know, but I opened my eyes, took a good look around and realised how crazy it would be to leave such a beautiful place early. Chris of course was thrilled. So here we are in Kathmandu, only 5 days into our 32 day visit to Nepal.

We had heard some pretty bad things about Kathmandu but we have treated Kathmandu like a mini holiday and found it really enjoyable. Our objective in Kathmandu was pretty simple. Eat, sleep, relax. We haven't been too fussed about seeing the sights, rather just spending our days wandering the streets around Thamel and Durbar Square, checking out the shops (I could spend a fortune here) and eating food from every corner of the globe.

We found lots of photo opportunities once we left the backpacker hotspot of Thamel. Kathmandu is full of colour as you'll see from the photos.

While the streets are congested with rickshaws, taxis and bicycles, we haven't found it any more crazy than Indian cities we have visited in the past. There is a huge range of international travellers here too, ranging from fisherman trouser wearing 'occasional hippies' to European tourists clad head to foot in bright trekking gear. All in all, we have found it to have a nice, mellow but interesting vibe.

It has done us well. We are both looking a lot brighter and a bit fatter, ready to leave on our (low altitude!) 9 day trek in the Helambu area tomorrow.

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 23


30th October 2010
Colours of Kathmandu 1

Photos are very good and nice to see.i liked all the pictures of kathmandu valley.As our nepal is poor country but rich in resources.But the environment of kathmandu valley is not good.
2nd November 2010

We were there too...
Hi Anna and Chris, nice photos, and unless those ladies sit outside Durbar Square in the same positions every day, I was there at exactly the same time as you were. Back in Sydney now and missing it already (hence my googling!)
8th November 2010

OMG Anna! You had us rather worried for a while - glad to hear you are nice and chilled again. The latest photos are fab by the way. Would it be OK for me to give your blog address to Mrs Douglas? - she keeps asking about you. Lots of love and be careful, Anne xxx

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