Borobudur - the largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia

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December 19th 2009
Published: January 4th 2010
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Despite waking at 4am jumping in a mini-van before 4.30am and being at the temples before 6am - I missed dawn at the temple. The golden glowing images with silhouettes of Buddhas and stuppas stretching as far the eye could see - weren't waiting for me.

Instead - thousands of bus loads of local tourists and school kids clambering around, loud speakers intermittently directing people not to climb on the fragile 1200 year old carvings. Thousands of hawkers selling every type of possible souvenir that crashed in price to below one third of the original asking price as you walked by. But I got to feel a little like a movie star by being asked to be in peoples photos, and a little less like a movie star when I realised that every western tourist was being treated to the same request.

But - as temples go - Borobudur is very very impressive.

I learned and forgot a ton of facts about the temple - I guess wikipedia has made me lazy - I can always look them up again now if needed.

A few if's.

If you want to see the temple at dawn - stay just outside it - and pay the back door entrance fee before dawn (it's unofficial and about 20 euros I'm told) - don't stay in Yogjakarta.

If you plan to go from Yogjarkarta to Bali in 10 days - be prepared to be really really tired.

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 22


Buddha near BorobudurBuddha near Borobudur
Buddha near Borobudur

a a temple a short drive away

4th January 2010

The AM Army
Why is it that everything sacred apart from sacred shut eye winks, must best done before sunrise, yoga, meditation, bus trips to spiritual sites. But then the sun comes up and it all makes sense. Lovely pictures Ali. So what about the info...X
5th January 2010

wow that's impressive! Watching another day being born again at a sacred site is certainly special. thats quite a temple complex theyve got there huh? Love the first picture the most
5th January 2010

Mendut temple
Happy New Year to you Ali. I too went to Borobudur temple in September 2004. Your photos recalled me of my happy time there. The temple you forgot the name of is Mendut.
28th February 2010

''...and pay the back door entrance fee before dawn (it's unofficial and about 20 euros I'm told) ...'' What!!!??? They would charge me 20 Euros to pray in the house of God. Isnt looking after our spiritual side gettting a little expensive these days. ''Instead - thousands of bus loads of local tourists and school kids clambering around, loud speakers... '' There are some things that are best admired from afar. I rarely get close to places like that. They are much more romantic when viewed from a rooftop bar, or a shady hill top a half KM away.
12th April 2010

12th May 2010

Hi, my name is yaya. I am study about heritage sites for Borobudur and Prambanan right now. I was wondering before you went to Indonesia Borobudr and Pambanan, where your information comes from was. And where were your information in your blog came from? Were you used the wikitravel or other web site to search your information about Borobudur and Prambanan? And what were you looking for or experience in those two heritage? What's the most attract you in Borobudur and Prambanan? I really need your information! Thank you for your apply!!! Yaya
15th June 2010

solid pictures !.. any specific DOs and DONTs?? we are planning a trip, specialy for photography.... after reading your experience at 4am...m scared...and slightly disappointed..
12th March 2011

So beautiful
I like to visit there!

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