Pushkar Fair: Endless Moments of Fun

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November 24th 2018
Published: November 27th 2018
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Yes, we are back at Pushkar Camel Fair. Yes, we have been here three times. No, we have not tired of visiting the same place.

Pushkar continues to attract us to India. It has the energy to provide excitement, interest and new experiences.

We know our way around. We have a little routine for how we like to spend our days. We have certain places we like to shop. We know what we want to do and experience. But we also never get bored and our days never feel predictable.

We had to wonder if we had overstayed our welcome when we returned to some of our favorite haunts and people recognized us as soon as we arrived. There was the waiter at Sunset Cafe, my ring guy and the man who runs my favorite scarf shop. ”Oh you’re back!” “Where is your dad?” “You were not here last year, why?”

Then there were the travelers who asked us for travel advice in navigating the mela. We gave impromptu tours, recommended restaurants, gave tuk tuk drivers directions on where places were located, introduced friends to shop keepers and even arranged for some other travelers to check in on our Raika friends after we departed.

Yikes, have we been here too often? Have we stayed too long? I suppose the answer to that lies in how we felt when it was time to drive away from Pushkar. I am ready to return.

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Photos: 30, Displayed: 22


28th November 2018
Pushkar Overview

Pushkar Overview
Great pic. I will post this in our 'Streetscapes' thread in the Photography Forum. Check it out.
5th December 2018
Pushkar Overview

Thank you so much! I am so excited abou this!

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