Day 15 - Siem Reap - Travel Day

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February 1st 2018
Published: February 1st 2018
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We leave Battambang with no regrets, having thoroughly enjoyed our stay in this non-touristy City, and the unique experiences there. Even our attentive hosts who have no idea of cleanliness or Hotel management have been charming, and as a final gesture of goodwill, send us on our way with sandwiches for the journey ahead of our 7.40am pickup, a very nice touch, especially as we ate them half way to Siem Reap, out of boredom, only to find them delicious!

But, we are ready to move on to ventures new, a 4 hour journey through some of the flattest and most boring Countryside we have seen here, through gloomy and downright chilly conditions finally bring us to Siem Reap. As if by magic, the skies are clear, sunny and very hot. A good start and a massive feel good factor for our final and most splendid destination in Cambodia. Despite it's unique archeological and historic status, it is absolutely a major tourist destination in it's own right, which Leo did not realize until we had checked into our hotel and wandered into town via the river.

We head towards the Central market which we discover is next to Pub Street! We having nothing planned for this afternoon, so sit and enjoy people watching followed by a very reasonable Khmer meal of Beef Lok Lak with an Anchor Beer apiece. We will not have any problems filling our evenings here, there's tons to see and do. Tomorrow we are up at 0700 for the Long tour of Banteay Srey, 37kms North East of town, which excludes the main Angkor Wat. We will savour that delight for a Sunrise tour later in the week, as this trip requires a 0300 wake up, too much for now.

Chilling in our clean comfortable hotel by the pool without too many Mozzies, fantastic. We hope we will be taking a dip after the temple tour tomorrow. Long may the weather hold out!

Anecdotal note: Asia is not as big a place as once thought, we always bump into travelers we know from previous towns, here is no exception. Young couple from London we shared an hour with last week, yes, here they are! Fully expect to see a few more over next few days. We recall Oeurm told us about Central Markets being just for rich people and tourists, well, guess what, same, same here! 2x cheap cheesecloth embroidered tops - ours for USD20, no negotiation, no thank you! Local market, 300mtrs away, can have USD8 - yes please!

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2nd February 2018

You will certainly be tempted out after this lot, but it is amazing so enjoy! It’s Pub street on a nightly basis and that you will certainly enjoy!
2nd February 2018

Hi Marilyn, yes, we love a Siem Reap, even before we've visited any temples, we love the vibe of the artisan stores, restaurants, pubs and diverse People. I think this is the best Cambodia has to offer to tourists- although we may be biased as we finally have sunshine!
2nd February 2018

Hi Marilyn, yes, we love a Siem Reap, even before we've visited any temples, we love the vibe of the artisan stores, restaurants, pubs and diverse People. I think this is the best Cambodia has to offer to tourists- although we may be biased as we finally have sunshine!
2nd February 2018

Hi Marilyn, yes, we love a Siem Reap, even before we've visited any temples, we love the vibe of the artisan stores, restaurants, pubs and diverse People. I think this is the best Cambodia has to offer to tourists- although we may be biased as we finally have sunshine!
2nd February 2018
Hotel pool

Sunny days
How nice to see the weather has changed for you, the hotel pool looks lovely, blue skies, sun a beer or two what a great trip. What about the red wine Paula?
2nd February 2018
Hotel pool

Hi Sheila, yes, weather beautiful, at last. Red Wine very expensive, but good. Limiting our intake ☹️

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