We're back....!

Published: May 23rd 2011
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Apologies for the break in continuity......!

Feeling better this morning.......breakfast is good: ham & eggs, and ham & cheese croissants - yep, they're beginning to feature more and more in the daily diet......

We head out into Cusco and visit the Inca Walls and wander the narrow cobbled streets where the relentless street hawkers ply their crafts in pursuit of the tourist pound. At every attempt we buy water and when we can, Coke Zero.....even if the sell-by dates have always expired. We visit Inglesia de Santa Domingo, a church from the middle ages and then set off to find the main railway station that we remember Palin arriving into Cusco via. We struggle, even though our map is current and despite several attempts by John......"donde esta l'staticion"......I'm sure that's how Raul taught me to say it.....??? Turns out that all trains have left for the day so to prevent people sleeping on the platforms they close the station - maybe a tactic they should try at Manchester Victoria......????

The heat takes it's toll, Denise hails a cab and for 3 soles (75p) we head back to the main square and to the hotel for a "bo-boes". The sickness gets us again and 4 hours later we manage to get dressed and stumble to the main square where we find a little Itslian restaurant and two very safe chicken, chips and salads. Street vendors try to sell crafts and paintings through the windows whilst we eat.....these people have nothing, thT is very clear. On every street corner and 10 times in-between them teenage girls try to sell massages to us........they are very kind and include Denise in their invitations, saying she can watch - but she isn't keen and we head back. Every hamlet has wood burning stoves and their is a comforting aroma as we head back. Denise packs whilst John goes to bed. Our flight to La Paz, Bolivia, is at 9am. Cusco has been lovely but it is true that we have lost much time to altitude sickness but when it strikes there is nothing you can do but give in to it.



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