Blogs from Africa - page 5


Africa » Morocco » Guelmim February 8th 2024

I've settled into the daily routine of rise, cycle, eat, arrive, sleep. It's a lovely simplistic side-step from reality for a while. After leaving Casablanca I cycled first to El Jadida and then on southwards to Ouiladia, Souira Kidema and on to Sidi Kaouki, Imsouane, Agadir, Tiznit, Sidi Ifni and Guellmim. Along the way I've seen plenty of wildlife, from chipmonk like mammals along the cliffs, maybe they were chipmonks, to tortoises, slowly and safely crossing the road. And of course all the brilliant birdlife. As I get further south, the landscape becomes drier, and drier. There is no longer dew on the tent in the morning when I camp. Not that it's all camping. About half my nights have been spent in lovely little hotels and pensions. Just because I have been sticking to the ... read more
El Jadida
El Jadida

Africa » Sao Tome & Principe » São Tomé February 4th 2024

Today few have heard of Sao Tome, a tiny island country off the West African Coast but a hundred years ago rich Europeans would have associated it with just one thing - chocolate. This is where all the big manufacturers of the time, including Cadburys, Rowntree and Nestle, bought their beans. Sao Tome feels part African and part Caribbean, there is even Bob Marley playing in the bars. Every beer is served with banana crisps, every restaurant serves fresh fish accompanied by fried plantain, sweet potato and ‘long beans’. There are beaches on all sides. Sao Tome town has yellow sand but on the west side of the island, facing the Atlantic, the beaches are rocky and the sand is fine black basalt. Out at sea ridiculously flimsy one-man boats, some with sack cloth sails and ... read more
Ruined 1928 roca hospital
Today's catch
Our cabin above the waves

Africa » Morocco January 25th 2024

It felt really good to finally get the trip under way proper. Shaking of the cobwebs that built up over Christmas, I pushed my loaded bicycle to my official start point. There is a marker, a low pyramid of white rock, conveniently located just outside the old town and across the road from the port. KM 0, with a black outline of Africa on white stone, and a coat of arms of Morocco. I have cycled the first part of the coast south from Tangier before, five years ago on my way to Marrakech. It was nice to recognise certain parts of the road, especially the petrol station where a very kind driver pulled up beside me outside the shop and handed me my passport! I had dropped it along the road, and somehow, he found ... read more

Africa » Gabon » South January 23rd 2024

We've been walking, fast, through the rainforest for well over an hour, trying to keep up with our two young guides when they suddenly stop. Sitting ahead, his back against a tree, is Kamala, a huge silver back lowland gorilla, busy eating a piece of forest fruit. He looks up to acknowledge our arrival, finishes the fruit and stretches. Slowly rising onto all fours, he strides off into the jungle following the rest of his family. We are in the Loango National Park in Gabon. Getting here from the capital, Libreville, has involved a flight to Port Gentil, two 4x4 trail drives and four boat transfers across the huge lagoon that dominates this park. The first small boat got us to Loango Lodge for the night, the second to Louri Wilderness Camp, deeper into the park. ... read more
Orema, the teenager
Ambia feeding young Malumbi
Etchutehuku, two years old

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City January 19th 2024

Given all the sitting we’d been doing over the past week, it was obviously important that we mixed things up a bit and did some lying. Our flight to Zanzibar was quite cool as we had a very clear view of Mount Kilimanjaro out the window - its snow capped peak towered above the dark plains below and the peak next to it had a thunderstorm, together with lightning brewing overhead. We were assaulted by the wall of heat and humidity that greeted us as we left the airport but were luckily in our airconditioned transfer before too long and headed for the beach. The plan for the next few days was just to relax on the beach with some books, some cocktails and dips in the pool. Oh, kittens, play with lots of kittens. And ... read more
Our spot in the sun
And the pool
Tough to take

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP January 15th 2024

And honestly, we’re a bit done with it as well. But watching animals waits for no man, so we don our trusty ponchos and toughen up…and sit in the jeep. The drive from Mara camp was long and muddy and we got a bit of African makeup but we were happy to arrive and have some rest time before lunch and some more rest time. Off on our first game drive at Lion camp in the Olare Motorogi conservancy. Even though they’re only 2 hours drive away (which, given the state of the roads is probably only about 40k), the country surrounding Mara and Lion camps could not be more different. While still very green and underwater, Lion camp was characterised by open fields and rolling hills. The grass was particularly long due to the lack ... read more
Love your mum
Ladies on the go
Beautiful cubs

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP January 13th 2024

We were all filled with a bit of sadness over leaving Rhino Camp and our awesome guides Fred and John. But as we bumped across the plains towards the airport and something in the suspension snapped, the sadness was slowly replaced by nerves. Never to let a loose car part get in the way of progress, we limped towards the park gate before a replacement truck picked us up and delivered us to the airport. An hour flight and we were in our new home for the next two days - Porini Mara camp in the Ol Kinyei conservancy. We couldn’t get over how green the surrounds were and as we headed towards the camp, it quickly became obvious why, with lots of water on the ground. The seasonal rains were not so seasonal! A quick ... read more
Some love from mum…or aunty
It’s tiring watching these kids
It’s tiring being the boss

Africa » Kenya » Central Province January 10th 2024

We have quickly fallen into a pattern of being on safari - early morning wake up with tea/coffee and cookies followed by a morning drive and breakfast out somewhere. Then back for lunch and a rest before the evening drive and a sundowner. After the excellent start we’d made, it was difficult to see how we were going to better things, but some highlights of the last few days: - white rhinos fighting because the male wanted to mate - he lost and she chased him away - breakfast stop with black rhinos wandering around on the edges of the plain - lots of giraffe, zebras, buffalo, jackals, warthogs including babies - a new selection of DTWS including large groups of elands, steinbok, waterbok and some beautiful oryx - lots of hyenas including a den with ... read more
Feeding Baraka
Baraka likes leaves

Africa » Kenya » Central Province » Nanyuki January 8th 2024

Some airport dramas with overweight bags but we were on our way without too much stress (and also without socks) before we made a couple of quick stops at airstrips along the way. We arrived at Nanyuki and were picked up by our guides. Some bumping and ‘African massage’ before we checked in to Ol pejeta conservancy and were on our way for ‘not a real game drive’ to get to our accommodation. Well, the ‘not real’ game drive turned out to be pretty unreal, stumbling across a lioness with a freshly killed zebra - she was full of panting with the meat sweats and the zebra was, well, neither full nor panting. Next stop was a white rhino who was busy sniffing a scent left by a female. All seemed well and good until we ... read more
Tasty zebra meal
He is crazy!
Beautiful baby zebra

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi January 7th 2024

Just being here, surrounded by the acacia trees, the odd baboon on the side of the road and a few random cows does inspire one to want to crank out the occasional Elton John. But I fear that that would scare off what we’re really here to see - the animals! The overnight flight from Cairo sucked as predicted but we were picked up from the airport and deposited to our accommodation before the sun came up so we were able to get some sleep and kid ourselves we’d stayed the night. A slow start and some late breakfast but off to the giraffe sanctuary to feed them and hang out with them for a while. We were each given a cup of pellets to feed the giraffes and they seemed happy enough to go to ... read more
And one for me too
And I’ll have one too
No pellets here, but much tastiness

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