We made it to Victoria Falls

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Africa » Zambia
March 7th 2020
Published: March 7th 2020
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We got up early (as always) and started the 4 hour drive to Livingstone where the might Victoria falls lies as well as the airport we were to pick up Warwick from. The drive went well but unfortunately yet another speed trap lay in wait and this time Toby was their victim. He was nice and apologetic and managed to get the fine reduced to £8 but since he didn’t get a written fine for his money it is fairly safe to assume the policeman pocketed the money.

We headed on to Livingstone and made it to the Victoria Falls Waterfront hotel where Dan and Toby had booked a room for the night as they would have the next day to themselves while we headed on. Alain and I went to the lovely new sparkly airport to pick up Warwick who counter to normal behaviour was actually early.

Altogether again back at the hotel we got ourselves together and headed to Victoria Falls. I visited about 15 years ago and whilst impressive they were not at “full bore” which they most certainly were today. We could see the spray of the falls rising 50m in the air from about 5km away and the roar was amazing. For once the rainy season was the best time to see the falls.

We spent a few hours walking around the falls and even scrambling down to the bottom to the water. We got well and truly soaked everything everywhere was wet and the air was thick with the spray. It was truly impressive and a great afternoon.

We then headed back to the hotel for one night altogether, whilst we planned the last phase to get us to Windhoek, Toby and Dan enjoyed the evening relaxed in the knowledge they didn’t have to drive any further.

As a quick side-note we have now done 8,000 miles and expect to pretty close to 10,000 when we crawl into Windhoek in about 10 days time.

FINALLY – I have heard a few people have had withdrawal symptoms from not having the blog the last few days. I am sorry to report we are heading into the middle of nowhere in Botswana for the next 3 days, expect another blog blackout…

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