Our new home....the Seychelles...

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October 29th 2019
Published: October 31st 2019
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Here we are...on the move again. Actually a slightly different one. Tanya has been appointed in the management team of one of the top resorts in Seychelles. So as of mid September, Seychelles became our new home. We left with over 200kg of bags...and will still keep our base in South Africa for now.

As of me, I'm now becoming what you call a "plus one". Madame is working and I'm taking care of the home. I can see few of you smiling at those words!

I have to admit, for the last two and half years, our lives in South Africa has been a dream. Great friends, great people, great diving, great golf, amazing food and wine...and a nice place on the beach...what would you ask for me?!? So the plan was to go for something different, but still very nice.

Seychelles, that 95,000 inhabitants and the smallest country in Africa. It is also the one with the highest income...and by far the highest consumption of French Champagne per capita due to all those top resorts. There are a lot less tourists here than what you will find in Maldives or Mauritius. Here it's mainly super high-end resorts...or these days Airbnb. Seychelles is also ranked 14th in the world for cost of living for expatriates. So trust me, it takes some homework to find the good deals!

Victoria, the capital has the reputation of being the smallest capital in the world. Not sure this is accurate...but it is indeed small! I move around by bus...sometime they come early, sometimes they come late...so being "on my way" does take a lot of my daily time. I also walk a lot...to the bus stop...from the bus stop, etc. During the weekend, we are renting a car to explore more of the island. So trust me, more blogs will come before the end of the year...but I simply don't spend my time taking pictures!

So here we are, the Seychelles, our new home for the coming 2 years. Well, for me it will be with some trips to Congo and South Africa...so maybe actually less blogging coming from my side. There is worst than to commute from one beach to another!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Let's not compare Shelly Beach (where we lived) and Mahe island that we now call home. Here, we have amazing beaches...and some rain every single day....even if we have not yet hit the rainy season! I'm trying to play golf 3 times per week at the little 9 holes Seychelles golf club. This has been the best way for me to meet the locals. Not many expats playing here. Most expats are working in hotels...and trust me, these people do work long hours! Last weekend was the Creole Festival...fun golf competition followed by a super nice local buffet and a nice evening of creole music with friends! From tomorrow....it's 3 days in a row at the golf for the club championship...all this is keeping me busy.

When I don't play golf, I dive...trying to do so 2-3 times per week. No locals here to dive with during the week. So I'm the only local diving with tourists from the top resorts around. Trust me, having some solid interesting conversations around. Local DMs seem to be happy with my social entertainment....

I will not compare either the diving with South Africa. It's not that easy to move from my home reef that rank top 10 in the world for the big sharks/whales/dolphins....to move to more resort style diving. Well, the pictures are not that bad, I should be fine for 2 years here!

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1st November 2019

Sounds like a great move.

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