Lake Chad

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Africa » Chad
January 13th 2011
Published: December 4th 2011
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Lake Chad is sooooooo interesting I’ve found out loads of stuff I didn’t know before. Chad the country is named after the Lake Chad and also did u know that Lake Chad has no natural outlet to any Ocean or Sea! It’s just below the Sahara Desert so it’s kind of in semi-desert. Speaking of where it is, it’s just half way between the Latitude lines; Tropic of Cancer and the Equator. It’s also the most significant body of water in the Sahel and has lots of exciting attractions I can’t wait to see. I did have a bit of trouble getting into Chad, which I suppose u could laugh at now, because I didn’t know u had 2 Register when u came into the country so I had to sort that out and then I was told that it’s against the Law not to have a local guide so I spent half my budget on that…anyway everything’s fine now! I’m trying to stay out of trouble because I’ve heard that Chad and Southern Nigeria are very dangerous. I better start planning what activities I’m going to do.


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