Chobe national park

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Africa » Botswana » North-East
June 30th 2023
Published: January 20th 2024
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Arrived at the Kasane border early morning where our temperature was taken checking for covid then to immigration firstly the zambian then across the floor to Botswanan immigration.
Baboons and mongeese everywhere In the carpark.
After finding our tour vehicle we head to the chobe River for the first leg of our safari.
The river is still full and fast flowing in the distance on the other river bank Namibia. The river is dark peaty covered in weed perfect for hiding crocs.

Boarding the boat with a few other passengers we head off down stream within minutes a water monitor is spotted on an overhanging tree, kingfishers dive for fish the river and its Bank bustling with wildlife.
Further down river mighty elephants are abundant along with hippo, buffaloes and many crocodile my wildlife count for the river leg 37species identified a good start to the trip.
We pick up our safari jeep on the banks of the chobe and head to the campsite for lunch and a rest.
In the afternoon we take the river bank route animals in large numbers and the highlight the sight of a leapord which we tracked and followed for some time.
A herd of elephants pass in front of our jeep one large female came right up to have a closer look at us, a juvenile male reared up and made a false charge before been ushered away by his mother.
As day turned to night a pride of lions stalking buffaloes on the plains as we watched the sun settling over the river.
An evening by the camp fire with a glass of wine and camp cooking.
Day 2 much of the same species count upto 89.
Last night's sleep was disturbed several times during the night with animals brushing past the tent unsure what the animals were waited for daylight to venture to the long drop toilet.
Day three up early lions near by. As we head towards the river a lion is blocking our path minutes later the rest of the pride pass by without a care in the world glancing occasionally at us before heading into the Bush we were within a couple of metres close enough to smell the stench of their breath.
Three days we spent in the Bush chobe is teaming with wildlife a wonderful experience which will remain in my memories forever

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